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"Nicole, how could you do that to me?" Sheila screams in her message. I refused to pick up. "Michael called me and said I'm not invited to the wedding? What is wrong with you? After everything I've done for you! I'm not your friend or your cousin anymore, you hear me! And don't call me back, because I won't pick up!"

"End of message. Press 1 to answer, press 2—"

I unplug the cord. The bedrooms are untidy and Alessandra, Michael, and Robert are coming in an hour.

In the kitchen, Jennifer is roasting steak and boiling vegetables.

"Is that fresh meat?" I ask. She nods.

"Michael's coming in forty. Are the custard and chocolate cake ready??"

"Yes, Nick, just relax... by the way, when's Nicholas coming?"

"Probably later than everybody else."

"Um, Nicky, how will Mike react when he sees Nicholas?"

"I don't know, I try to not to think about it." Just then, the doorbell rings and I run to get it.

My brother is here... I don't whether to feel excited or nervous.

"Hey, Nick," I greet him. We hug.

"Mmm, where's the food?" my vagabond brother sniffs his way to the stove. "Wassup, Jen? Gimme a piece of steak, will you?"

Jen slaps a piece onto a plate, giving him a dirty look. "Nice to see you too."

Nicholas looks around, his eyes glinting dangerously at the shiny silverware on the counter. The tiny spikes on his jean jacket remind me of those knives I saw in his apartment.

 The tiny spikes on his jean jacket remind me of those knives I saw in his apartment

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"Do you wanna sit down?" All three of us end up at the dining table.

"How's life in Nevada?" I start. Nick shrugs.

"I got a job and live in the same old flat," his voice has tinges of an English/German accent. Nick ran away to our grandparents on our dad's side in Texas, then fled to our mother's family in England and Germany.

He claims that he was emotionally abused by our family and was very stifled by Dad, but no one cares and no one forgives him... well, except one, like me, maybe?

Jennifer goes to answer the door ringing again. Nick and I smile at one another in comfortable silence.

"I've missed you, Nicole," he says.

"Me too."

Michael and Alessandra are here. Michael frowns at Nick, Alessandra covers her mouth.

"Nick!" Nick gets up to hug Alessandra. He studies Michael.

"So you're the guy who stole my sister. Nice."

Michael raises an eyebrow. "You're the guy who ran away from my girlfriend."

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