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Hello, luvs! Thanks for getting this far in my little story here 😊. I just wanted to address a few of the things I've written. You just witnessed what was a pretty tense exchange between Michael and Nicole. And it was for good reason, obviously. Nicole just had an awkward conversation with her (very probably) future mother-in-law. Mrs. Jackson must have struck you as quite condescending, I imagine, and it was intended so. I believe that Nicole is one of the nicest, most loving, most alive people imaginable, but she's had a pretty rough history. You now know that her parents are famous and, therefore, our sweetheart has been in the public eye too often. They got divorced and her brother, Nicholas, ran away from home. He will appear in a later chapter and come up quite frequently. Don't worry: he's a darling, as well. Anyways, Nicole, as most celebrity children, has had a rebellious streak and was caught doing some things that aren't very nice. Well, you know she used to be a smoker in her teens, which may not be a big deal to you, but in the 80's, we all know that was still looked down upon. Katherine Jackson is very protective of her children and (in real life, too) is a Jehovah's Witness. So, you can already see the conflict there. Another thing: Alessandra and Nicole are on the hunch that Rebbie has been spreading gossip to her mom—Katherine—about them, which is absolutely right (also because of Aless and Rebbie fighting at church). LaToya is also suspected of taking part in Rebbie's malice, which I'll wait to reveal in the next chapter or so. You also have seen Michael Jackson act pretty distant in the last chapter: we all know he went back home before Aless's party and was OBVIOUSLY talking to his siblings. What went down there—will be for a later chapter! One thing to note: I have not been capitalizing on Michael's fame until we get to the year 1983, because that is when he truly becomes the King of Pop, and it is important to keep that image up (especially for his memory, *sigh*). Now, last but certainly not the least! Nicole's pills: she did not commit suicide. They're just anti-depressant pills that used to belong to Alessandra, but this is the first time Nicole's used them (and the last!). You may think she's being a tad melodramatic, but, again, as someone who's grown up in the public eye, any emotion other than happiness or content is not allowed. Sooo... she tries to take the pain away. Don't worry, she doesn't die. Nicole's just learning to process her feelings, and definitely, definitely will see the light. That's all I have to write here for now! I hope you are enjoying the story and please comment below about your feelings or any ideas you'd like me to add.


XOXO, Althea 😍 

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