Bootleg Problemoes

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Hello lovelies...

So I ranted about changing some things in my fanfiction "Für Sarah". One of the big ones was adding videos of pieces of the scene or something relevant to the scene.

I've spent hours trying to find the perfect bootlegs to post on each chapter, doing my best to find ones of the actors I've selected for the role.

Unfortunately I cannot find a perfect version of Draußen ist Freheit/The Red Boots Ballet.

The actress I've chosen to play older Sarah is Elena Gazayeva (LOVE HER) and she played Sarah in the Russian production. There is a bootleg of her singing those songs, but it doesn't show the ballet off, which is my main point.

If you guys know of a perfect video that shows off the outstanding dance/ballet part of the scene PLEASE describe it on here and post the link on my message board

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