Morning Routines

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Hello lovelies! Hope your day has gone beautifully!

So here are somethings I do in my morning:


I've posted the video above before but honestly guys it's awesome, easy yoga for beginners to help just get in that calming mood for the day!

Ballet Stretches:

Helps me get flexible and just clears my head. As a performer I do these all the time even though I am not currently in a ballet class


Casta Diva

L'ho Perduta Me Meschina

Quando Me'n Vo

I love listening to opera to start off my day because it's just so lovely and it has a classical sound that many of us have forgotten- it's the sound of what true music, passion, and beauty comes from. It seems impossible that a human should be able to sing as these women do.... and yet, there are many women, alto, mezzo, soprano, who have divinely angelic voices.

Love you all and hope you found that helpful!!

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