A Whole Lotta Random

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Guys this is the 81 chapter of this rant book: is anyone annoyed at my boring chapters? Also I realize I post so much... I just like talking to y'all lovelies!

Anastasia Review:
I've finished listening to the Anastasia Broadway Soundtrack and I LOVE IT!!!! The cast is phenomenal, the music is classic and stunning, the story is thrilling and romantic! Please if you guys get a chance to, go listen to it... the whole album is on YouTube.

It's quite different from the Disney movie, they added brilliant new songs as well as followed the more true story of the Duchess Anastasia rather than adding in a curse and magic. Christy Altmore has a seraphic voice that is just unique and you want to listen to it all day!

Short clip of the song Once Upon a December

And here is Kristin Chenoweth singing Vanilla Ice Cream from She Loved Me. This is one of the songs I am singing currently for my voice lessons and it is hilarious!!!!

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