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I cannot express to any performer (Singer, actor, dancer) how important it is to find a peace of mind and relax your body.

Yoga and stretching daily are perfect examples of what you should do, especially if you are nearing a performance.

Yoga helps relieve some of the stress and pressure that performing lays on you. Your mind and your body relax as one and you learn to do a step by step process that eases you into your day. And especially for actors the mind set of keeping who you truly are and the character you are showing the audience you are must be kept separate. You don't want to carry the baggage of the show with you, no matter how much you love that character. You'll get to play them again! Just relax and realize you are who you are.

"You are enough. You are so enough. It is unbelievable how enough you are. You have nothing to prove only to share."
              - Sierra Boggess

A very famous Broadway actress who played Christine in many different versions, says these words to herself before a performance. This shows us that even stars or "leading ladies" can get just as terrified of performing as people like us.

Namaste 🙏...



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