The Real Opening Night!

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Tonight High School Musical opens!! I am so excited!!!!!!

Please pray that everything goes as rehearsed, my be friend who plays Gabriella is terrified! She has never been the lead before... Neither has any of the leads!

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you lovelies that 💙


And now I update this chapter to tell you how of went!!

Thank heavens no major mishaps, and the audience loved us!! I was so honored and proud to be in a cast of so many talented people. I totally recommend you all audition and perform in a musical or even a straight play! There is nothing like performing and making friends for life. And I had a happy surprise! The man who was in charge of sound, Joe, turned up my mic for a song that I had small solos in and it appeared that the whole song was my solo!!! I was so happy, and Joe winked and gave me a thumbs up. It was the best experience!!

Thank you for all of the kind comments I love you all so much! All for now, lovelies!

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