Auditions (yikes!)

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In the words of a great actor I once knew....

"You will never have a perfect Audition."

But you know what? That is okay! Auditions are all about showing the directors what you can do and what you could bring to the show. Then, once you're done, it is up to them. The problem is no longer yours.

Ha. Easier said than done.

Here are some audition tips:

Choose Your Style
Depending on what you are auditioning for, you will either choose a monologue or a song. Obviously if you are auditioning for a straight play, YOU MUST DO A MONOLOGUE!!! But when it comes to a musical... you have a little more flexibility. If you are a bot so fabulous singer yet... go with a monologue. Pick a funny one from a movie you love, directors love comedy! But if you are much more confident in your vocal skills, I would highly suggest doing a song. It is a musical after all! And once you decide to do a song, make it reflect from the part you wish to be cast as. If it is a character who grows up, pick a song where you can "grow up" in the minute they give. And if the character is bubbly, do a bubbly song!!

•Song Book
If you are auditioning with a song or commonly audition with a song, it would be very very very helpful to have a song book or Audition Portfolio. In this little "book" you should have songs that you could sing at any moment, songs you know like the back of your hand or arias that mean a lot to you. That way, when you have an audition you can pull one of those bad boys out and sing it like a pro! Now, keep in mind to have your songs vary in styles and emotions. Have some fun ones! Have some that will make the directors cry! And remember, especially for sopranos ( also altos, but the term is 'belt') use your best high note in any song you perform!!!

The Mindset You should NOT Have.
Now I know auditions are scary. Sometimes terrifying- I freak out before every one of them! But really, we should just relax and feel confident that we know exactly what we are going to do. Don't be afraid!!! I know it's hard, but just relax!
Now at the same time... don't be too confident. Once I asked a friend of mine if she wanted to practice her monologue with me and her response was, "Well it's just talking so it's not like I need to practice." WRONG. Basically she got a horrible part in our performance because she didn't practice and ended up not doing so well. I wished she would have practiced because she is talented!

The mindset you should have!!
Relax. Breathe.
You got this!
What has helped me in the past has been to perform my audition piece in front of small groups to prepare for the feeling of being in front of someone doing it. A group of my friends do this. You'll see that it works!! And just remember, this is so much fun! So just enjoy this amazing experience!

Hey guys! I hope this helped you understand auditions a little more. I plan on making a chapter on Callbacks and Broadway Agents to help further your knowledge!!

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