
80 9 41

Do you like someone:

Do they like you back:
Never in a thousand years

Middle Name:
Well, I've mentioned before my full name is Anna Elisabeth so I suppose that is my middle name, but as an adult (or if I am ever famous lol) I'll continue to be Anna Elisabeth because I want to keep my mom's name (which is Elisabeth) beside me at all times. My name is so very European because Anna is just a super classic name that's been used in nearly every country and Elisabeth (the spelling) is Austrian, and my last name is about as German as you can get!

Best girl friend:
In real life it will be forever my dearest thephantomofbroadway , but on watty it's the lovely The_Christine_Daae

Best guy friend:
His name was David. I loved him dearly. But probably my male cousins who are several months younger and older than me. We are as thick as thieves

Hold your horses this shall take a moment

Erik and Christine
Sarah and von Krolock
Elisabeth and Der Tod
Percy and Annabeth (my first real ship)
Lizzie and Mr. Darcy
Cinder and Kai

Last Person you texted:
As always the amazing, lovely, darling- The_Christine_Daae !!

Battery percentage:
Let's see.... 13 percent.... crap: I better get a move on

Background: (I'm doing my ones on Wattpad because the ones on my phone are pictures of my friends)

Background: (I'm doing my ones on Wattpad because the ones on my phone are pictures of my friends)

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Profile picture:

Reason you made a Wattpad account :

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Reason you made a Wattpad account :

MY BAE Eventually-Faded convinced me to start one! We had a joint account (what used to be this one) where we were writing a fictional/ magical story about King Arthur!)

The day after Valentine's Day.....

Well I hope at least some of you enjoyed that!!!! I won't spam and tag tho... except my dear heart: thephantomofbroadway when you have time, love

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