Do You Want to Play Meg Giry?

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To those lovely women who have dreams of performing in Phantom of the Opera but who don't see themselves as the leading lady, soprano Christine Daaè, Meg Giry is another fabulous goal to play.

Meg is said to be a "supporting character" but she has the most costume changes of the show!! Seven to be precise 😉.

The youngest person to have ever played Meg Giry was seventeen years old! She hadn't even finished high school yet!

Vocal Range:
Meg's vocal range is a mezzo, but don't think her character is limited to that! I love seeing how so many different actresses sing Meg's solos differently. I've heard her as an alto (Daisy Maywood) or even closer to a soprano (Sharon Millerchip). Whatever vocal range you prefer, no matter what, her training in voice must be legit.
Highest note: f5

Character: Meg is the young lead dancer in the corps de ballet. She is Christine's best friend and it is she who volunteers Christine to sing when Carlotta quits the production. Her mother is the ballet mistress.
Age: 20s
Vocal Range: Mezzo Soprano: B- flat 3 to F5.

Dance Experience:
While I am not a hundred percent certain about how much dance experience Meg must have, she is known in her character to be a phenomenal ballerina. In some productions of the show (Like the 25th anniversary) Meg dances just as much as Christine.... meaning very little at the beginning of Hannibal, but precise and graceful movements. But I would believe that any actress who wishes to play the role should have experience in Ballet. After all she IS a ballerina!

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