A Night Never to be Forgotten

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"Are we going to be late? Are we almost there? Oh no... I have to go to bathroom! I think I'm going to be sick!"

"Calm down, Anna!" Chuckled Ma from the drivers seat of the maroon colored car. Beside Anna, Sarah chucked.

"Have you never seen a  live musical before?" She asked the girl who was bouncing up and down in her seat as a five year old would do rather than a thirteen year old girl.

Anna glanced at the beautiful Indian girl with long dark hair and dark lashes, her perfect almond colored skin. And scoffed. "I've seen many... but only community theatre and never BROADWAY TOUR!"  The blonde clapped her hands together, reacting Maria's response to hearing she would stay with the Von Trapp  family in sound of music. "And," continued the overly giddy teen. "As I've said before, I've seen the phantom of the opera movie- ya know the one with Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum-" but Sarah shook her head.

Anna gasped. "So you don't even know what's going to happen?"

Sarah smiled with her pearly white teeth. "Nope!" She popped the 'p'. "But I can't wait!"

"I cried so hard!" Anna laughed and adjusted the half mask she was wearing.

"So, does the phantom wear a blue cloak like that?" Sarah was commenting on the blue velvety Anna had tied around her throat and trailed down the seat of the car.

She laughed, "No, his is Black. I just like wearing it! My best friend Kenna and I always joke that I am the Phantom and she is Christine. Although... it isn't my favorite musical- That's Les Mis- I really like the movie so... I am excited!"

Sarah raised a perfect ebony eyebrow. "I like how this isn't even your favorite and you still dressed up like the Phantom."

"I brought a dress for you if you wanna be Christine!"


Ma's gentle laugh rung through the car like a bell. "I knew you two would be fast friends."

The girls shared a look and smiled. "Sarah is awesome. I'm awesome. We like the same books and are going to be dressed up like Christine and the Phantom. Yup." Anna widened her smile into a toothy grin as Sarah chortled softly.

"So Anna," began her grandmother. "You were telling us before that you had seen a news clip about the show...?"

Anna's blueish green eyes lightened up. "Yes! Chris Mann, I think was his name, was being interviewed and he is going to play the Phantom tonight! And he was GORGEOUS!"

"Then it's going to be a little hard to make him look deformed, huh?" Replied Ma, turning the radio station down low. "They must use lots of stage makeup! Oh- looks like we're-"


"Anna calm down!" Cried Sarah, and the blonde felt heat rise to her cheeks as she ceased her excited words.

After a good long twenty minutes, Ma found a perfect parking spot across the street from the Murat, the grand old theatre that the touring company of Phantom would be performing in.

Anna helped Sarah slip the white "Christine" dress over her simple blue knee length one.

Nervousness bubbled inside of Anna's stomach, starting in the pit of her belly and spreading threw her veins and into her head. The sky was a deep blue, the sun creeping lower and lower into the Midwestern sky. The late April air felt calming against Anna's skin as her midnight blue cloak bellowed behind her. Everyone was filling into the Murat, women in black gowns and red pumps to men in button down shirts and slacks.

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