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I think we all can agree that the term

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can never hurt me

Is the biggest lie you can tell anyone and yourself.

Words have SO MUCH POWER! Especially in today's society where people say whatever they want on the internet or in person. Horrible, nasty things that seem unforgivable... we have all faced and experienced it. Because we cannot control what others think, do, or say.

But sometimes our biggest threat is ourselves.

When you start saying or even thinking things like:

I'm fat
I'm ugly
I'm not talented
I'll never be able to do that
I'm stupid
I can't sing
I can't do sports
I hate myself
No one likes me
I'm worthless

We begin to believe it. These horrid and untrue things become what we think about ourselves.... and even though some may be true, like for example I cannot do sports! I'm not coordinated and I'm totally terrified of balls.

But when we dwell on the things we can't do and allow that to define us- we are only destroying ourselves.


You are all so wonderful. Let's all use our words to help and build each other up, and also help build ourselves up. Sometimes you are destroying yourself from the inside out.


So let that freak flag fly and be you no matter what anyone says. You are a rock star and you're gonna ROCK DIS WORLD!!!

I wish you guys could see how happy I get when you post sweet comments and are such good friends to me. I've spent my life waiting for amazing people like you... a lonely sad waiting time. But now I know you all and I hope I can bring joy to your life as well!!! So imagine me smiling my head off. Go ahead. Yes, I look silly. But I love ya

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