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Some of you may have read part of this before in a previous rant book of mine.

So...any body else have to explain what the word "fangirl" means to their family/friends?

Cuz um....

My life.

I am a fangirl, shipper, fanart writer and have no shame in what I just said.

My cousin and I were in the car together and I was writing on wattpad in the seat next to him:

COUSIN: Aunt Liz, ___ is on her phone again!

MOM: *listens to music so loud in front seat so can't hear*

ME: can you please be quiet for a moment, I can't write over your shouting

COUSIN: you're writing? On your phone? Like...a book?

ME: no, not a book. Fanfiction.

COUSIN: ...wat

ME: fanfiction.

COUSIN: what is that

ME: *tries to explain fanfiction*

COUSIN: what....the...crap

~that night at dinner~

ME: *pulls out phone because dad texted me*

COUSIN: oh! Are you writing your "fanfiction?"


One time, my friend Liam accused me of fangirling too much, then turned around and started talking about his favorite ship.

*chants* hypocrite...hypocrite...

It's a struggle at school, ya know? People are so freaking judgy. I can't even wear a tshirt from my favorite fandom anymore! Which is extremely sad because my uncles just bought me a phantom shirt from the Majestic Theatre. Da crap I am wearing that thing, I do not care what they think!


And DON'T get me started on choir.

I loooove singing, it's one of my greatest passions.

But when your choir teacher goes "okay class today we are going to watch the Phantom of the Opera!" I can't even sing along without becoming the weird girl who has a crush on a singing guy in a mask. Insert true story:

~ I entered my choir room just like any other Wednesday, ready to sing to my hearts content. My best friend walked beside me, but caught her breath. "What is it?" I asked, concerned. She pointed to the tv that was placed in front of our seats. I furrowed my brow and read what the screen said. The Phantom of the Opera. My breath caught in my throat as my heart race sped up. Were we truly going to watch it? My friend and I rushed to our seats as the rest of the class filled in slowly. Then, my beautiful young choir teacher gave a small announcement before turning off the light switch and pressing play. I didn't hear what she said except for that this was a recording of when the last high school she had taught at performed Phantom. It began and my class mates groaned . Oh, I didn't care. I began to mouth every single word not caring who saw. The poor high schooler who was cast as Carlotta had a voice crack and I grimaced, but then I realized this was a high school production, not Broadway. Christine was okay, beautiful girl, but she sang a few of the notes lower. Again, I gave room for this. She was only in high school. "Why can't we do Phantom?" I whispered to my best friend who quickly answered, "No idea. You would obviously be Christine." I blushed, "No way. I am hardly qualified to be her." My friend rolled her eyes, "Shut up." And I did, grinning and blushing as I watched the rest. Once class was over, we filed out of the room. A boy yelled loudly to his friends- "That was so stupid! Why did she make us watch that?" I wanted to scream, did this boy have no respect for the arts? Then I heard, "Yeah, accept did you see *my name* she sang along!" And they laughed. ~

Hey guys, I got a little carried away there for a moment!! Sorry if I sound so awkwardly nerdy!!

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