"My tummy hurts." he pouted.

"Come here," I patted an open space on the bed beside me, "Did you tell Mama?"

He nodded and stood beside the bed, "She's getting some medicine."

I shifted Oliver into my left my arm and lifted OJ with my right onto the bed. Oliver took this moment to tug at my shirt and tried to suck on the top of my breast.

"Oliverrrrr you just ate." I tried to get him to stop.

"Mommyyy." OJ groaned.

I laid his head on my lap and pressed on his stomach, "Where does it hurt?"

By the time he told me where it was, Lydia was standing in the doorway, "Hey."

"Hey babe." I smiled.

"Hey Lydia." Aubrey waved.

"I take it you've heard we have a sick boy on our hands." she revealed the medicine in her hands.

"yeah my poor baby." I kissed his forehead. "Did you take his temperature?"

"102" She informed.

"Baby boy you need to get lots a rest, okay?" I declared, he was a little more sick than I thought.

"Come on OJ, lets get you in your own bed for a while." Lydia beckoned.

"I love you babyboy, I'll be in to see you very soon." I promised as he hugged me tightly and I kissed both his cheeks.

Once they were gone, Aubrey and I switched twins.

"Did you breastfeed today?" he asked me.


"Why not?" he questioned.

"I drank last night, stop acting like this is new." I scrunched my nose.

"The doctor says you only have to wait a few hours until the alcohol leaves your system."

"okay.. so I'm a bad mom for preferring to wait 24hours?" I squinted at him.

"Thats not what I'm saying."

"Well it feels like it, when you're always second-guessing me!" I felt my voice get high pitched, "I dont want to risk anything, so I'm playing it safe."

"But there's no risk." he argued.

"I don't feel comfortable with it Aubrey. Can you just let it go?" I pleaded, "So I miss a few breastfeeding days, it won't ruin the kids."

"Alright." he forfeited.

That night after putting the babies to bed, my mind wandered to the conversation Aubrey and I had the night before.

"Babe can I ask you something?" I laid down on my back in the bed wearing shorts and a sports bra.

"Yeah." He replied laying on his stomach beside me.

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