Chapter 14

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We arrive at the border of Amishi on our two horses. It's been a long day of travel. I'm not as tired as I should be, mostly because I fear what might happen when I return home. I focus on the small animals coming up to check the weather. Some stay out. It calms me down a bit because that means it will be an early spring.

Edward assures me that no one will suspect we went off together. Apparently, he told his father he was off hunting to clear his mind. My excuse is not as convincing, so I worry what Lady Harriet will say. However, I trust Nariel covered for me.

Right as we pass the lake, Aaron meets up with us. He has a bow and arrow and a bag strapped to his horse's saddle. Inside the bag, I see animal skins and meat. Looks like Edward even has evidence to support his hunting trip. Perhaps, I shouldn't fret over our crazy plan after all. He'll make it happen.

"Your Highness, I'm grateful for your safe return. Have you gotten any closer to finding your mystery princess?" Aaron asks, stopping his horse in front of ours.

Edward bites his lip, chuckling sightly. "Yes, it proved to be more enlightening than I imagined."

"Excellent! Does this mean we can return to the castle? I've had some rough nights, I'll have you know."

"Same here, but yes. We may return."

Aaron beams and nods to me, "Ella, thank you for keeping him safe. I'll get a head start."

I say my goodbye to the dutiful servant before he gallops away. We follow slowly behind him, but soon I'll have to leave Edward's side. At the edge of the forest, Edward dismounts Snowman. I get off the cream mare as well, knowing I can't ride her home.

"Back to real life," I say bitterly.

"Not quite," Edward says, leaning forward.

My instincts take over as I lean the rest of the way. The kiss is sweeter than any of the others, probably because there are no lies between us. It carries on until we both laugh softly.

"I'll see you later then," I say, stepping backward gradually.

"I'll be counting the days, Princess."

I gaze at him until it's no longer reasonable to backstep. Turning my back to him causes a heavyweight, yet also there's the promise of our next meeting. Whatever happens, I can make it until then. I'll go to that last ball.

Once I make it home, I stare at the house with dread. I take a deep breath and open the door. In an instant, Lady Harriet grabs a hold of my arm. Her grasp is tight and she forces me down onto the couch in the sitting room. Tessa, playing the piano, abruptly stops with her last notes hanging in the air. Clara comes running downstairs when she hears her mother shout.

"Do you think I'm an idiot, Ella? You have never left this house without telling anyone, and Nariel's claims will not save you! I thought I raised you better than to scamper off with a man, and I don't care who that man is!"

"Nothing happened!" I protest, "We just traveled to the Hall of Records and back!"

Lady Harriet sniffs, "Nothing happened? Nothing happened! You naive girl! You traveled with him alone, didn't you? That is a dangerous position for a young woman to put herself in. If you were caught what do you think the king would do?"

I say nothing because the answer is obvious. The king would condemn me to death or deliver a public whipping.

She presses her hand to her head and mutters, "I can only blame myself. I thought you wouldn't stir up any more trouble. It's a good thing Nariel wasn't allowed to care for you, seeing as she's a horrible influence."

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