Chapter 10

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"I am so glad I get to do this in a house and not at the edge of a forest! Magic isn't as great as most people think. It's much better to say you did it without help!" Nariel says as I dress in the other room.

"Didn't you make the dresses with magic?" I ask, adjusting the white fur shawl.

"No, I hand-made every one of those dresses. I can't say that much for all my gowns."

"Well, how much do you cheat?"

"I cut the material out and sew some of it. I'm not a complete cheat! Are you almost done?" she asks, changing the subject.

I come out of the room and she gasps at the sight of me. A smile crosses her face as she places the snowflake headpiece on my head. After that, I receive a warm hug from her.

"You look so much like your mother. Blue looks good on you. Do you want no one to recognize you again?"

We let go. "Yes, but how exactly are you accomplishing that bit? Fairies can't do that, can they?"

"Well, you know, I'm an illegal creature using illegal magic, so what's wrong with purchasing potions on the black market?"

"You're such a great influence."

She grins wickedly, "Oh, you bet I am. Look at you, a servant dressing up as a princess, which is illegal, who captured the prince's heart, which is illegal, and now we're doing it all over again."

"Which is illegal," I finish, "Oh Nariel, why are we doing this?"

"Because you asked me to this time around. Besides, those laws are racist and discriminatory." She clears her throat. "Now, I got you a carriage to ride to the castle. Jeb's agreed to drive us there."

I raise my eyebrows, "Jeb? How's that coming along? Does he know your secret? If he does and has kept it all these years, you have to tell him your feelings!"

Nariel blushes but scrunches her nose, "You can't lecture me about Jeb, Princess. Your story is almost the same as mine."

"Yeah, but you're not a servant and he's not a prince. It's a different story."

"You are no one's servant, Ella," she retorts as we hear a noise outside.

Nariel peaks through the window and seems relieved. That must mean it's Jeb, with our ride. I can't imagine he brought a fancy carriage, more like a horse or something.

We walk outside, and Jeb is just getting down from his cart. He looks handsome in a nice suit. This makes me wonder if he's coming along too. How will that work? I should force Nariel to come if that's the case.

"Hello Nariel, Ella, I hope you know what you're doing. You both look beautiful," he says, still in his humble manner.

"Yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. And I know the risks, but I really don't care anymore. I'll do anything to help Ella and anything to get back at Lady Harriet," Nariel says, rolling up her sleeves. I'm lost at the last statement she made.

"What do you mean to get back at Lady Harriet?" I say.

Nariel ignores my question. Whatever Lady Harriet did, it did not go well with Nariel. Nariel, probably just wants my image of Lady Harriet to remain the same. Some truths aren't meant to be shared, perhaps this is one of them. I won't press, for now. . . .

Jeb and I stand back, both of us not sure what she's going to do. It becomes clear when she flicks her hands, and fabric and jewels from her house fly out and decorate the wagon. We stare, shocked by the overwhelming powers of magic.

By the time she's done, it's no longer a wooden cart, but a passable carriage. Nariel even decorated the horse's saddle. It makes me wonder how powerful a witch and wizard are in comparison. They don't have to get their magic from a pixie like fairies do.

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