Chapter 3

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7 years later

I wake up with feathers in my hair and ashes on my face. From the hall, I hear Father's footsteps as he gets ready to leave for Baldwin—the great merfolk kingdom. He will sell Amishi goods there in exchange for Baldwin's. This time, we each get to ask for a souvenir since it's a long trip. I don't want anything, but Tessa and Clara decided on fine mermaid fabrics for the summer ball at the castle. Of course, Tessa also wants pearls and jewels straight from the sea.

I sit up and stare into the burnt-out fireplace. I sleep here most nights, even though my bed is more comfortable. Something about sleeping next to the fire warms my heart and makes my dreams soothing. Plus, I no longer have my own room since Tessa claims she can't sleep with Clara's breathing. It is the only complaint she could think of to stop sharing a room once we got another bed in there. So, I room with Clara. While her soft snoring hardly bothers me, I prefer to stay up late by the fire until I fall asleep. I'm honestly surprised that no one has caught me sleeping by the fire, but I make sure I get up quickly every morning and wash my face. Today I'm not so worried about cleaning it though. Father leaves in a hurry, and I want to see him off.

Grabbing the edge of a nearby table, I pull myself onto my feet. I rush to the front of the house. Father stands there, double-checking the items he's packed. He smiles when he sees me.

"Ah, there's my little princess. The other girls are still sleeping, but they told me last night what they wanted. So, that leaves one princess left," he says, raising his eyebrows, "Something fancy to wear to the ball?"

I smile and pat one of the horses hooked up to Father's carriage, "You know what the king said six years ago. I can't go. I'm not 'lady' enough."

He chuckles, "Yes, but that's water under the bridge and has been for a while. The only person who is holding you back is yourself. Besides, you've changed in seven years. The king wouldn't even recognize you with your raven hair."

"Hair color changes nothing, Father. I'm still not ladylike."

"Stop telling yourself that. You've believed that lie for too long. You should stop working so hard and make your debut this summer."

"Working is what I'm good at, and I enjoy my extra time with Nariel."

"You mean you do more work with her," he says taking my shoulders, "You have feathers in your hair and ashes on your face, Ella."

"I was just cleaning the fireplace and those chickens leave their feathers everywhere," I say to cover up.

"You're going to have to come out sometime and have fun."

"I would love to go with you Father, but I know that's not what you mean by that."

"No, it's not. How about this? I will give you some coins to get something nice with Nariel. Maybe pick out a fabric at the marketplace for a gown? That way you are not working all day," he says, placing small gold coins in my hand.

"Alright, but you better come home safely," I say hugging him and kissing his cheek, "Love you, Father."

"And I love you, Princess," he says, hugging back. He lets go and hops up to the driver's seat. I watch as he rides away with his loaded carriage. He waves goodbye as he disappears down the road.

Lady Harriet's voice comes from behind, "Did he leave already?"

I turn to her, "Yes, he went earlier than I thought he would."

She beams, "I bet he simply wants the trip to be over as soon as possible." In a sterner voice, she asks, "Now, where's breakfast?"

I sigh and run off to the chicken pen to collect eggs. Luckily there's enough to fill our stomachs. With the eggs tucked inside my apron, I carry them back inside the kitchen to cook breakfast. To save money we did not employ servants. Mother and Father wanted to run the place on their own, plus once Father married Lady Harriet, a good chunk of his savings went to meeting wardrobe requirements. This is why I've always had to make breakfast, but it's not a hard task. Neither are the other chores I do. Every day, I still have spare time to spend with Nariel. Father doesn't like me working so hard, yet no one else cares as long as the house is clean.

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