Chapter 5

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It's noon, and Prince Edward's servant should be here. I would have been pacing around by the front door, but Tessa and Clara keep me busy switching their hairstyles. They are even more excited than they were when they came home from the ball. The two girls danced with Prince Edward for two dances, and I can tell it's the truth. They beam with great joy and pride even now. I just hope that the house is clean enough. I made sure each floor of the house is spotless.

"We ran out of apples, and I want you to make your mother's apple pie for dinner tonight. It will surely impress Prince Edward's assistant. We'll get the door, so don't worry about it. I just want the apples. The girls can finish dressing," Lady Harriet says to me.

I put Tessa's brush down and bow. "Yes, my lady." Clara watches me leave the room. I flash her a smile to let her know I'm doing alright and that she shouldn't worry.

I take a big woven basket and head outside to the apple trees. I start picking from the closest tree to the house from its low branches. Most of the apples on the trees are small and don't ripen, but this tree always seems to produce the best fruit.

From the other side of the house, I hear a couple of horses and the sound of carriage wheels. Prince Edward's servant must be here now. I'm curious to find out who it might be, but I hold my ground. I need to pick these apples!

My determination grows. I want the finest apples on this tree, which means I must reach higher. That would also mean, I'd have a reason to climb the trunk. No biggy there. I am dying to act as I did when I was a child.

Plus, I get to throw the apples down into the basket. It is a game I shall cherish in the dull life I am to live. Soon I don't even look at where the basket is. I simply toss the apples right over my shoulder.

I climb higher when I spot the perfect apple. It had no wormholes, dents, or any sign of rotting. Amishi might as well bow down to such an apple. This would impress Prince Edward, I'm sure, to have a fine apple cooked into a pie for him. He won't be tasting it, however, but that's his fault for not coming to the houses himself.

I remember when he tried following me up the nearby oak tree. For whatever reason, I can't help but smile. Then I recall how we danced with his face covered in manure! Of course, it only ended in his father, the king, getting upset with me. The last time I saw the prince's face, he stared at me in a way I can only describe as wonder.

Shaking my head, I snap out of the memory. He gave me that look seven years ago. By now, he's given plenty of girls far prettier than me the same stare. According to Tessa and Clara, he has the dreamiest brown eyes with flecks of gold. That only proves my point. He gives every girl he meets that look. He will always be a prince who couldn't care less about how he throws around his charming smile and gorgeous eyes.

I pick an apple and throw it hard toward the ground. My mind wanders to Aaron. Thankfully, I haven't run into him but I never figured out if he was Prince Edward or a servant as he claimed. Regardless, he or his friend must have been the prince, which means the prince has no idea who I am. Why would he remember me? Well, I guess it would be hard to forget a girl who tricked you into running through horse feces. I quietly snicker.

Finally, I reach the perfect apple near the top. I pick it off the branch and make sure it's truly the best. It shows no sign of flaw, so I climb back down with it. I didn't want to throw this beauty.

As I get to the lower section of the tree, I think about jumping off. I think better of it as I hear a voice from below, "Wouldn't it be easier to use a ladder?"

I'm surprised by the sudden outburst and stumble down the rest of the tree, still holding the apple. To maintain balance my feet tread backward. Someone steadies me from behind, holding onto my shoulders to set me in balance, but quickly lets go.

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