Chapter 11

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The floor, the fireplaces, and everything else are their own kind of dirty. The floors are wet from snow. The fireplaces are lined with ash, and I'm constantly cleaning and adding wood to keep the house warm. I go outside to get more kindling, propping open the door to the kitchen for easy access. It's certainly a day of work, but I eagerly await a certain someone to come.

Just as a knock echoes through the house and out the open door, I hobble to get back inside. Tessa, who has been in a foul mood since the ball, pushes on the door to trap me out in the snow. She acts like the gesture isn't rude.

"I'll get the door, Cinderella. Go find some smaller twigs out in the forest!"

"We have enough wood right here!"

"Don't talk back to me, slave!" she shouts slamming the door closed. That last part stung. A servant is one thing, but a slave? However, a slave is what I am. I was purchased by Lady Harriett and will remain under her care until I am married or turn twenty.

I set the wood down by the door and head to the nearby forest to find some twigs. I clutch my arms together to keep in the warmth. I don't have a coat and my shoes aren't thick. I do have gloves but each of the fingertips has worn through.

Kicking through the snow, I pick up twigs. As I walk further, I trip over a hidden rock buried by the white flakes. I faceplant right into the snow and my collection of twigs scatter away from me.

Quickly, I get up and brush the cold snow off. My shoes do nothing but soak my feet. I take one shoe off and throw it behind me in a rage. I ready the other for launch, but I hear someone grumble behind me.

I whip around, holding my shoe up like a weapon. However, it's not a creep, it's just Edward with a pack at his side. He wears a giant coat that extends past his knees and thick white gloves.

"Why are you throwing shoes?" he asks, holding the one that fell on his face. Then his expression dims as he remembers what I am. He also sees the holes in the shoe.

I throw my other shoe up into a tree, where it stays. Edward tosses the shoe he holds off to the side of him and comes closer to me. Thanks to Tessa's lectures about showing respect to those in higher positions, I bow to him without thinking. I get a glance at my red-purplish feet when I lower my body.

"Well, I'm ready to go on that adventure if you still want to accompany me. I plan to find the truth," he stops talking and then says, "I'm giving you my coat. It's below freezing and you look like a purple monster."

He takes off his luxurious coat, but I put my hand up, my teeth chatting, "You shouldn't do that, Your Highness. It's more important for you to be warm."

Biting his lip and not believing my I'm-okay act, he puts the coat around me. Then he buttons it, which I know I could have done myself. When he looks up from his work, his eyes gaze proudly into mine like a child who finished reciting the alphabet for the first time. He smiles and his eyes shift for a brief moment, giving away his hidden pity.

"Are you coming?" he asks again.

I can only nod. I've been ready to take a break from Tessa. Once I get back, things are going to get worse, but I need relief right now. Plus, I need to know whether he loves me for me before I head dive off a cliff that could lead to my execution. That being said, running off with a prince would call for an execution in and of itself. Welp, time for my catchphrase. Everything will work out. With that in mind, I head southwest.

Edward grabs onto my shoulder, "Whoa, where are you going?"

"Avani," I say.

He sighs, "We won't make it there alive like this, Ella. You need shoes."

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