Chapter 2

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It has been four years since Mother's death, but I miss her. Lady Harriet is now my stepmother, and her daughters are my stepsisters. The wedding was like I imagined aside from the colors. Lady Harriet chose a happy red and a warm orange. The theme was lighting up a new love, which I thought was romantic. Lanterns were lit and all the stars were out that night. We twirled and danced in Nariel's sparkly dresses.

Father's been away on multiple business trips since the marriage, but I rarely have a spare moment to adequately notice his absence. I've been learning a great deal from Lady Harriet. She's taught me stitching, table etiquette, dancing, and everything a lady should know. My stepsisters struggle though in some of their lessons. Unlike me, they know what they want to specialize in, but they are taking a while to learn the basics. I guess, I naturally pick things up. Additionally, I hurry through the lessons so I can run rampant outside or go horseback riding.

Tessa wants to be great at singing and ballroom dancing. She hopes to catch the boys' eyes, especially the eyes of Prince Ed. She's the same age as him, thirteen, so I guess it makes sense. Since her birthday, she's been attending social gatherings, so she thinks she's mastered everything. Her mother disagrees. Tessa became a debutante so early because Lady Harriet thought it would humble the girl once she saw the other well-mannered ladies. It hasn't worked so far.

Clara wants to catch Prince Ed's eye too, but she's the same age as me, and Lady Harriet hasn't taken either of us to social functions. I suspect Lady Harriet will wait until Tessa is engaged or when Clara and I turn sixteen, the standard age to become a debutante.

Anyway, Clara wants to be exemplary at painting and poetry. I think those are great skills to master. I tried painting before. It was fun learning the strokes and capturing moments in time. Sunsets are my favorite subject whereas Clara likes painting buildings and animals. She says animals are more challenging to paint, and she loves a good challenge. I do too, but whenever I ask her if she wants to race me, she says it isn't what a lady should do.

Whenever Father gets back, I will race him. Today he returns from the Kingdom of Avani, and we're hosting a homecoming party for him. It isn't easy being a merchant and having to leave the family all the time. His business gives me a roof over my heads, so I shouldn't complain. Also, this will be a fun social event for Clara and me, seeing as we aren't invited to the rest.

Clara, Tessa, and I are in charge of the decorations for the party. Tessa stacks the boxes in my and Clara's arms. We can barely peek over the top of them.

"Tessa? Don't you think you could take at least two boxes down? One from my stack, and one from Clara's, so we can see?" I ask her.

She huffs, "I am a lady, and I don't lift things anymore. However, you two are still young and oblivious." She flicks her hair before departing downstairs.

I've learned to hate her perfect blonde hair. I used to be golden blonde too, but my locks darkened. Father thinks my hair will get even darker almost like the color of my eyes: a warm chocolate brown. Apparently, he had lighter hair growing up too. Now he's a brunette with a full beard.

"What a sassy mule dressed in satin," I mumble to Clara.

She stifles a laugh, "Ella, that's not very nice. But she does have a hard time understanding what it takes to be a proper lady."

I carefully step down the stairs. I say to myself that I'll never be Tessa's definition of a lady. I don't want people doing things for me that I can do myself. I'm afraid Clara will start believing Tessa's version one day. She may say she doesn't like it now, but I'm not the one who's Tessa's biological sister.

We make it down the stairs and into the backyard, where we are hosting the party. Tessa waits for us there. She orders us to set the boxes on a wooden table as we hear a carriage pull up in the front. Tessa beams and claps her hands before she reverts back to Miss Bossy, telling us to set things up as she goes to see who it is.

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