Or I'll Kill You Ch. 19

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We were so close to the destination, that it made me itch just sitting in the car.

Early the next morning, an address was put on a car, and slipped under the door. We set off as quickly as we could, because there wasn't much time left.

Max slowed the car down, and I started to panic. "What're you doing?" I asked, "Why are you slowing?"

"Because we're here," Max whispered, and then pointed to the sign. I tried hard to suppress a smile, because I shouldn't have been smiling. Otto and Matthew were stuck in there, so I shouldn't be smiling.

"Let's go," Jesse whispered in my ear, and then to Max said, "You stay here. Got that? Lock the doors, and don't get out of the car."

"Why are you guys so scared of this guy?" Max asked as we started getting out of the car. We stopped, and looked at each other before looking at Max.

"Just do what he said," I snapped, and then slid out of the car. Jesse caught me so I wouldn't hurt my ankles, and held my hand as we walked towards the building.

"Ready?" Jesse asked.

"I'm ready to kill," I growled.

"Alright then," He whispered, "I have a plan." As we walked towards the building, he leaned down and whispered the plan in my ear. It was a simple plan, but one I hadn't really thought of.

We walked further down the hall, and soon I stood outside of the classroom, and waved goodbye to Jesse. Then I opened the door, and looked around.

"Otto?" I hissed, "Matthew?"

"Maeve?" Otto's little voice called.

"Otto," I cried, and rushed over to my little brother. He was tied to a wooden chair, with Matthew facing the opposite way. I cupped Otto's face in my hands, and kissed him all over. He laughed, and didn't realize how much I missed that sound.

"Come on," I whispered, "Let's get you guys out of here."

"Be careful of my side," He whimpered, looking at the knife.

"I know," I told him, "I watched it. Nate forced me to watch it."

"He did?" Otto asked, as I got up and walked around to Matthew's side. His head was hanging, and he looked white from all of the blood he was losing. I cupped his face in my hands, and tried to get him to look at me.

"Matthew," I gasped, "Matthew, look at me!"

His lazy eyes searched around for my face. When he found it, he gave me a faint smile. "Matthew," I whispered, "Its Maeve! Thanks you so much. Thank you so much for watching out for my baby brother."

"You would...have...killed me," He groaned, and then gave me a small smile.

I couldn't help it any longer. I kissed him on his white lips, and held his face tightly to mine. When I pulled away, Matthew was smiling brightly. "Don't tell Jesse," I whispered, and then winked before walking back over to Otto.

I pulled the knife quickly out of his side, and he whimpered. "It's alright baby," I cooed, "Don't worry."

"It hurts," Otto whimpered, "And I feel so light headed."

"I know, I know," I whispered, as I untied his hands. Then I went around to Matthew. His head drooped again, and I began to worry. "Matthew, you are not dying on me," I snapped, "Do you hear that? I know you can. If you die on me, I'll kill you."

There was a low chuckle from Matthew, and I knew he was still here. I looked around frantically, and saw the curtains in the office. "Stay close to Matthew," I ordered Otto, and then ran into the office. I yanked the curtains down. Then I ran back.

I tore the fabric in long strips, and then wrapped them around Matthew where he was bleeding the most. "Can you walk?" I asked Otto, as I wrapped Matthew's ankle.

"Yeah," Otto sighed.

I nodded, and then looked at were the second cut was. It was on the outside of his thigh. "Oh boy," I muttered, "Alright Matthew, you're going to have to take your jeans off."

"What?" Matthew yelled, and then groaned.

"Do you want the bleeding to slow?" I snapped, and he gave me a weak nod. "Than do as I tell you. I'm in charge here."

Matthew stripped to his boxers, and I wrapped a large piece of curtain fabric around his thigh, so I wouldn't have to readjust it. Then he pulled his shirt off, and I pulled out the knife and bandaged his side while he pulled his pants up.

"God it hurts," Matthew hissed through his teeth.

"I know Hon," I muttered.

"Where's Nate?" Matthew asked.

"I'm not sure," I told him, looking around, "But let's get out of here before he finds us."

"Maeve, can you bandage my side up?" Otto asked.

"Don't worry little man," I answered, "I was getting to you."

I bandaged Otto up too, and then ran to the classroom door. I made sure the coast was clear before running back to Otto and Matthew. "Let's go," I muttered, "Matthew, there's no point in putting your shirt back on- it's soaked in blood. You'll have to lean on me when we walk, because I can't carry you, and Otto you have to stay super close to me."

Otto looked up at me, and gave me a single nod. Slowly we made our way to the door. Matthew hissed in pain every few steps, but I didn't allow him to stop walking.

"We'll get in the car," I told them, "And then everything will be alright. I'll take care of you both, and we'll all be alright."

"You sure?" Otto asked.

"I swear," I promised, "Everything will be alright."

"Will...will you...hate me?" Matthew asked with much pain. When I looked at him he gave me a warm smile, and his light blue eyes showed the humor he was feeling inside.

"I don't hate you," I told him.

"Do you love me," He pressed.

"Yes," I sighed, "Why do you think I came and saved your sorry behind."

It took all his effort, but Matthew smiled at me. Then he sagged a little, and I had to drag him further towards the door. "Why is the door so far away?" I groaned.

"I'm so tired," Otto moaned.

"Come on," I whispered to Matthew, "You have to help me out a little. Use all your strength to stop asking me if I love you, and start walking."

"But you do love me," He insisted.

"Yes I do," I sighed, "And I would love you even more if you kept walking."

Matthew chuckled, and stepped it up a little. We were so close to the door that I could almost taste the fresh air. I could hear Max's car humming, and thanked God that he hadn't left like he was supposed to. "Almost there," I gasped.

Then a dark shadow jumped in front of us, and I let out a yelp in surprise. I should have seen this coming, but I didn't. I was too focused on getting Otto and Matthew out of that building.

"Going somewhere?" The dark figure asked, and I narrowed my eyes. The only thing I could see of the dark figure was the pearly white fangs hanging out of his mouth.

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