Chapter 33

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. Another week went by where nothing happened, and even though you found it weird how you'd met Sam two times in one month at the exact same place, you decided it must've been some strange coincidence indeed. He probably lived in the same neighbourhood and was a regular Starbucks customer, you thought.
You didn't expect to hear from him again, so when he started sending you message after message a week later you were fairly surprised.

It was quite a rainy day for June. Dan and Jacob were playing Mario Kart, you were sat with them in the lounge editing a video, and Phil and F/N were out for lunch.
You quietly laughed as you watched Dan and Jake both screaming at each other and the screen, when suddenly your phone buzzed. Nothing strange there, until you opened it and saw the message from Sam.

'Would you wanna go out for dinner sometime? Just as friends of course. I get it if you don't want to because you might think it's weird.'

You read it for the third time when the little bubble appeared, showing that he was typing more.
In no time another message appeared.

'It's just that I'd really love to properly catch up with you.'

That's when you started to have doubts. You didn't really want to, but what damage could it do? You were adults now, all grown up. He was being nice to you. He wanted to be on good terms with you, because he was an adult. Why did you still hate him anyways? He had been an arse back in highschool, but maybe he had changed. You doubted it, but maybe.
You kind of wanted to handle this as a grown up, but on the other hand, you didn't like him. It wasn't weird to say no to dinner with your ex boyfriend, right?
You decided to decline politely. He'd said he'd understand after all.

He read your message and was quick to reply. But this time he responded differently.

'oh, I just wanted to make things a bit better between us, like a nice person. But I get it, you have a boyfriend. He's probably jealous now, isn't he?'

You briefly looked up at Dan who was extremely concentrated on the game. He could be a bit jealous sometimes indeed, but it was a good, cute kind of jealous. You gaze shifted back to your phone, to a new text that had appeared.

' I don't want anything from you, Y/N. Just have a nice chat, as adults. Is that too much to ask?'

You sighed, not knowing how to respond to this. Maybe you should just agree to meet up with him once, and then he'd be happy. Go out to dinner with an old friend, just like you'd done with Jacob. Except things were different between you and Sam.

But he wants to make things better.
I should handle this like an adult. If he's being annoying I can walk out of there.

And so you made your decision.
That afternoon you pinned at date, place and time, about three weeks away. Sam said he was happy you were being so nice to him. It sounded like he really wanted to be a good person. Not be real friends, he said, just make things a bit better. He didn't want to have people walking around hating him.
Maybe he had changed after all. Maybe you had too. F/N would send you to a madhouse if she heard this, she'd think you had gone completely nuts. But when someone, even your ex from years ago, was just being nice to you, you could be nice in return.
You'd said yes with the expectation to never ever see him or talk to him again after this. He didn't want to be actual friends, he'd said so himself. He also knew that after what had happened between you two, being friends was a no-go.

He just wanted to show you he had grown up, that he had changed.

You wanted to show him you'd gotten over him, that you wouldn't let your past screw you up.

Only much later you'd realize he was lying to you and you were lying to yourself.

The little voice full of doubt in your head kept whispering when you put down your phone and continued editing, but you ignored it.
You were being a nice, grown up person. You convinced yourself it was the right thing to do.

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