Chapter 5

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Okay but before you read this chapter, go read tothedreamers22 her story. It's amazing.
Now, if you've done that, here's a new chapter. Extra long. Hope you like it ^-^

You knocked on the door of the appartment, and looked at (F/N). She looked nervous but really excited.

'I will try not to scream.' she whispered to you.

It was Dan who opened the door this time.
He looks different. Happier.
'Welcome ladies!' he said with a big smile. His dimples were showing. You loved his smile.

(F/N) introduced herself to Dan. Then he turned to you.
'Hi' you mumbled, not knowing whether you should greet him with a hug or not. It looked like he felt the same way, as he gave you an awkward smile and said hi back.
To get out of the awkward situation, you turned around and walked up the stairs to the lounge. Dan and (F/N) followed you.

Phil appeared at the top of the stairs. 'Hey Phil!' You ran up the last few steps, but tripped. Phil caught you and put you back on your feet.
'Not too enthousiastic again, (Y/N)!' He chuckled and pulled you into a short hug, before turning to (F/N) to introduce himself.

Dan's P.O.V.

Phil hugged  (Y/N). I just stood there and watched. I immediately felt the jealousy kicking in. She didn't hug me,  but she did hug Phil. She hated me, I was pretty sure of that.

I thought back at what Phil had said. I needed to be nicer to her. Yeah, I would try that. Maybe...maybe I still had a chance.

Your P.O.V.

The four of you sat down in the lounge. You had already noticed the way Phil and (F/N) looked at eachother.

I ship it

You sat next to Dan. This time he didn't ignore you. He actually talked to you.
' So how's life going?' he asked.
' Uhm...yeah..good, I think.'
' I saw your channel is doing pretty well!'
You raised your eyebrows at him.
How would he know that?
'Uh...Yeah?' you said, a bit confused.
'I..I mean.. I stumbled across it the other day.' he quickly explained. 'You're quite a big Youtuber you know.'
'Oh, yeah.'

Gosh I hope he doesn't watch my videos.

You looked at (F/N) and Phil, who were chatting like they had been friends for years. You'd never seen (F/N) so comfortable around a stranger. Although Phil wasn't really a stranger. (F/N) was a huge fan of his.

Dan saw how you were looking at them.
'I know right? They look cute together. Phil never acts like this around new people.' he whispered.
'Yeah...' you whispered back. 'I think I ship it.'
'I think I ship it too.'
' isn't real?' You chuckled.
Dan burst out laughing. You started laughing too.

'Hey, what are you two talking about?' Phil and (F/N) were both looking at you.
All of a sudden you and Dan were completely serious again.
'We...uh...' you began. Dan interrupted you.
'We were just discussing whether we should play Guitar Hero or Mario Kart.' he said. 'What do you think?'

' Guitar Hero / Mario Kart!!!' you and (F/N) yelled at the same time. You looked at eachother and both chuckled.
'I think that's it then!' Phil said.

*Time skip*

The four of you sat in the lounge, tired of playing video games all afternoon. The doorbell rang.
'PIZZA!' you yelled, but didn't got up to get it. None of you did.

You looked at Dan. ' Well come on Dan, be a gentleman and get us the pizza.'
'But the staaaaaiiiirs.' he pouted at you.
'It was your idea to order pizza anyways!'
He sighed and stood up. 'Coming!' he yelled as he walked to the front door. A few minutes later he was back with the pizzas. He smiled at you.
'Was that enough gentleman?'
'Sure, Daniel. Give me the pizza.' You smiled back at him. He handed you and the others their pizza and sat back down next to you.
The subject of the conversation changed to some new anime you had seen, as the four of you ate your pizza.

A/N: I know. How many times can you say pizza in one chapter? Watch me.

*Time skip again*

When everyone had finished their pizza you got up from the sofa.
'I think we should go. (F/N) is staying over at my place tonight and I still need to prepare the spare room.' You looked at (F/N). 'Okay?' you asked her.
(F/N) nodded. She, Dan and Phil also got up. You grabbed your purse and jacket from one of the dining chairs, then turned back to the others. 
Dan said goodbye to (F/N), and you turned to Phil.
'See you soon Phil.' You smiled at him and he pulled you into a short hug. He then turned to (F/N) to hug her.
You looked at Dan.
'Thanks Dan, today was fun!' you said.
'Yeah..' He smiled at you.

I'm still not over that smile.

He hugged you, and you hugged him back. After a few moments it became a bit awkward. He didn't let go of you.
'Dan, I gotta go.' you whispered, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He didn't respond.
(F/N) cleared her throat. Dan then released you from his arms and looked at you, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He mumbled bye and went off into his room.

Okay what just happened.

'Let's go.' you said, and without looking at (F/N) or Phil, you headed to the front door and walked outside. You heard (F/N) saying a last goodbye to Phil, then the door closing.

'Nope, we're not gonna talk about this.' you said before (F/N) could ask any questions.

Dan's P.O.V.

I didn't want (Y/N) to leave. I didn't want to let her go. I know I hugged her longer than I should have, but it just felt so good hugging her.

I wish I could give her another hug.

I locked myself in my room, because I didn't want Phil to come in. I didn't want to talk about it.

She's just so beautiful.

She only left like two minutes ago, but I already miss her. Being around her just feels so nice and comfortable.

I really like her, but....does she like me back?

A/N: yeah well here it is. It's all so cliché and stuff but whatever.

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