Chapter 22

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'Come on (Y/N), get up. We're going out!'
'But we just got here.'
'And now we're gonna go out for dinner.' Dan folded his arms, looking like a mum that didn't want to hear 'no'.
'But I'm so comfyyyyyyyy.' You yawned and rolled over on the bed, turning your back to Dan.
You had only been here for like an hour, looking around the hotel a bit, getting the WiFi (obviously), and lying on the extremely comfortable bed, scrolling through Tumblr. And now Dan wanted you to move. No way you were getting out of your scrolling position right now.
'(Y/N), you're not gonna stay in bed for the rest of the week. We're going out for dinner.'
'But I don't want to leave the bed. I'm tired.'
'Food, (Y/N).'
'Bed,  Dan. Soft, warm, reliable WiFi bed.'
'Don't you want to see something of the city?'
'Google Street View' you said as you held up your phone. You rolled back to face Dan, grinning widely.
' So what you are saying is; you like the bed more than me' Dan said, making a pouty face at you.
'Yes. I'm gonna marry this bed.'
'I don't know if that's possible, (Y/N).'
'I'll make it possible. Bedsexuals have rights too.'
'People who are attracted to beds, like me.' You snuggled your face into the pillow.

A/N: I DON'T want to offend anyone, I'm really sorry if I did.

'I thought you were in love with me' said Dan, laughing a bit.
You reached out for his hand and pulled him down next to you on the bed. He laid down beside you and you rested your head on his chest.
'I am.'

You stayed in that position for a few minutes, listening to Dan's steady breathing and heartbeat, feeling his chest rise and fall. You closed your eyes and your mind wandered off. You were on the verge of falling asleep, but then Dan brought up the discussion again.
'But food, (Y/N).'
You sighed. 'I really don't feel like going out now. We'll start with that tomorrow. I'm really tired, sorry.'
'So you're just gonna skip dinner?'
'Room service?'
'That's boring, (Y/N). We're in a new city for only one week. We should try to see as much of it as possible!' Dan tried to sound enthusiastic, but you could hear the slight irritation in his voice.
'Well I'm sorry that I'm boring, then. I'm just tired.' It was true, you would've fallen asleep right there and then, but a certain brown-haired Brit  had to keep you awake, trying to convince you to go with him.
'I thought you said we were going on an adventure, (Y/N). Staying in bed all day, great adventure isn't it?' Sarcasm was clearly audible in his voice now.
You felt slightly offended by what he said.
Did he really think you were boring?

You closed your eyes and sighed again. 'Are we really getting in a fight over this?'
'Looks like we are.'
You didn't like the tone he was speaking in. What was up with him? Why was he acting like this all of a sudden? Why couldn't he just understand that you were tired?
You turned away from Dan again, getting a bit annoyed at his behaviour. You felt a headache coming up. That often happened when you got in an argument with people. You hated getting in arguments, especially when it was with your boyfriend.
'Sure, (Y/N), turn away. You're acting like a child.' Dan was also clearly annoyed at this point.

You had to try really hard not to cry.  What had you done wrong?
'Oh yeah I'm the one acting like a child' you snapped at him. 'What about you, Dan? You just can't seem to get it through your thick skull that I don't feel well and that I don't want to to go out for dinner right now. We'll have plenty of time for that later. We can just order something now.'
Dan was silent for a moment, then you heard him get up and walk through the room. The door opened and closed, and you were left in silence, only hearing noises from outside.
Had he left? He had. Where did he go? Why did he leave?

Because you were so stupid, (Y/N)! You should've just gone with him. But no, you had to be stubborn again, and now look what you've done.

You got up and looked around the room. Dan had indeed left, but without his jacket or keys. You quickly put on your jacket, and grabbed the keys from the small table next to the door, then rushed out of the room.

You ran down the hallway, passing an old lady, who said something to you in Dutch. You said a quick sorry, as you supposed she said something about not running in the hallway. You continued your way, turning around the corner on the way to the lifts. You saw Dan standing there, waiting for the liftdoors to open.
'Dan?' You ran up to him, slightly panting. ' Dan I'm sorry!'
He turned around to look at you, and you saw he had watery eyes. Seeing that, you couldn't hold back your own tears anymore.
You immediately started to blame yourself for everything.
I've made him feel this way. I was mean to him. I'm a bad girlfriend. He doesn't want to be with me anymore now. I don't even deserve him in the first place.
You started to apologise to him, hardly able to speak through the sobs.  Dan just shook his head and pulled you into his arms.
'No, no (Y/N)! It's not your fault. I should've listened to you. I just wanted this week to be perfect. I wanted to do loads of stuff and see everything and have fun. But it's a holiday, y'know. We can do whatever we want.' He hugged you even tighter than he already did.
You finally calmed down a bit by just hearing his voice.
'We...we can go get dinner now' you sniffled, wiping your tears. You looked up to see Dan smiling and shaking his head again.
'No, you know what  (Y/N)?' He gave you a small kiss on the tip of your nose, which made you blush a bit.
'We can order pizza and watch a movie on that oh-so-comfortable bed' he continued. 'We'll go outside tomorrow.'
You looked into his beautiful brown eyes and smiled. He was too sweet.
You snuggled your face into his shoulder as he had still wrapped his arms around you.
' Dan? '
'Please don't leave again. Ever.'
'I won't, (Y/N). Never ever.'

They say that love is forever,
Your forever is all that I need.
Please stay as long as you need.
Can't promise that things won't be broken,
But I swear that I will never leave.
Please stay forever with me.


(The last few lines in italics are lyrics from a song: Scene One - James Dean & Audrey Hepburn from Sleeping With Sirens)
(That's the accoustic version, I know, but anyways it's because of the lyrics. Go look it up.)

Guys, we're almost at 50k. Unbelievable. So I wanted to do a Q&A kinda thing?(if I get enough questions) I think that'll be the next thing I upload on this book then.  So you can SEND ME A MESSAGE to ask a question :) I will not take them from the comments, because my wattpad always messes that up and 3 years later im like oh look there were 200 comments I missed. So yeah, messages are easier for me.

I hope you liked this chapter :)


Anyhow, bye my lovely readers.

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