Chapter 18

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I have no idea why I upload so much lately I think it's just me procrastinating like a pro.

R.I.P Phandom after what happened yesterday. Tragic. (It is AMAZING and I DIED)

The next morning you woke up in Dan's bed. You didn't remember exactly how you got there, but you supposed Dan had put you in bed. You looked next to you, but Dan wasn't there. You got out of bed and walked over to the desk, to check the time on your phone. 9am. You were surprised Dan was already up. Not fully awake yet, you walked to the kitchen, following the smell of burnt toast.
'Is the house on fire?' you asked sarcastically, walking into the kitchen and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. Dan turned around, surpised.
'You're awake!' he said happily, before walking over to you and hugging you. He planted a small kiss on your forehead. 'Good morning princess.'
'Mornin' Daniel. Why do I smell burnt toast?'
'Well...I might've tried to make breakfast for us.' He chuckled.
You found it really sweet of him. He got up early for you.
'Wow. After last night's catastrophe you still think you can cook.'
'Breakfast isn't that hard!'
'And you still managed to mess up.'
You looked around the kitchen. On the counter stood a plate with a few horribly burnt pieces of toast.  You looked back at Dan and smiled.
Dan sighed, smiling back at you. 'Cereal.'

*time skip*

It was around 2 in the afternoon, (IT'S NINE IN THE AFTERNOOOOON. Sorry) and you were back at your apartment, because  (F/N) was coming over.

The first few weeks after the "Christmas Incident", (F/N) had at least texted you, Phil and Dan every day, just to say she was okay. She felt guilty for what had happened, and had been afraid of losing contact again. You thought that for her it also was some kind of coping mechanism. Slowly everything had gone back to normal, and you felt like all four of you were finally some sort of over it now.

You and (F/N) sat on your sofa, drinking tea, just chatting about anything and everything. Suddenly you realised you hadn't even told her about Dan's suprise yet.
' Hey (F/N)' you yelled at your friend, who had just left the room to get more tea. 'Yeah?' she yelled back.
' Dan had a surprise for me yesterday!' you said, smiling at the thought of Dan.
A few seconds later (F/N) appeared in the doorway. 'What? Tell me everything!' she exclaimed excitedly.
You told her about how you and Dan were going to go to Amsterdam for a week,  and that he had also gotten you Twenty One Pilots tickets. While telling her this, you had a big smile on your face that you thought would never get off. You were truly happy, for the first time in months. At least you thought you were.
(F/N) ended up on the floor, hugging a cushion, squealing something about how cute and romantic it was.
You threw another cushion from the sofa at her, and laughed a bit. 'Stop it.'
Then the thought you'd tried to repress, the thing you didn't want to think about because it would ruin your mood, slowly creeped it's way into your mind.

You'd be revealing your relationship with Dan to the world.

Your smile slowly faded away. (F/N) saw it and got up on the sofa again.
'What's wrong?' she asked. You looked down, shook your head, then looked up at her again with a smile plastered on your face. A fake smile, that was, and you knew that (F/N) immediately noticed that. 'Nothing' you said, quickly standing up and walking to the kitchen to get your tea. (F/N) had left it there when she came back to hear the news.
You knew that (F/N) knew perfectly well that something was wrong. She was your best friend, she could tell. But you also knew she'd leave it if you didn't want to talk about it. At least, for now she would.
You opened one of the cupboards, searching for the sugar. When you found it you put a little bit in your tea and put the package back where you got it from. You sighed, stirring your tea.

You were scared of telling Dan how you really felt about it. It was not that you didn't want your fans to know, you hated keeping secrets actually, but you just wanted to take it slow. Posting a video in which you and Dan go on a trip to Amsterdam and do all this stuff together...You just felt like that was a bit much. Dan on the other hand seemed really excited about the idea.

Maybe I'm overreacting. I'll get hate anyways. I should just go with it. We've waited long enough. They deserve to know.

You sighed again, and took a sip of your tea. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and you took it out to see what it was. You'd gotten a text from Dan.

'I miss you.'

You softly chuckled as you read it over and over again, before replying.

(Y/N): It's been like 4 hours.
Dan: I know I just miss you.
(Y/N): Whatcha gonna do about it
Dan: kidnap you, probably
(Y/N): *sigh* I'll come over later
Dan: yay :D
(Y/N): but we're gonna have pizza for dinner just sayin
Dan:  not complaining about that :p
(Y/N): great :D I gotta go, (F/N)'s still here. See you later❤
Dan: okay, I love you❤
(Y/N): love you too❤

You pocketed your phone and walked back to the lounge, warming up your hands with your cup of tea. You felt a lot better already.

Let's just say I'm very bad at writing text conversations okay. I'm happy though because this chapter is kinda more the usual length :)

Hope you liked it ^-^

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