Chapter 27

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' DAN!'
'Yes?' you heard him yell back from Phil's room. They were filming a video--you had no idea what it was, but Phil had acted extremely mysterious about it. Usually you wouldn't interrupt them, but this was an emergency.
'Dan can you come over here please?'
'Can't it wait? We're in the middle of filming this.'
'No. Come here.'
You heard him open the door, sighing dramatically, and walk towards the kitchen.  He didn't enter, though, and you couldn't see him.
'What is it?'
'Why are you standing outside the door like that? You need to look  people in the eye when you speak to them' you giggled.
'Says the one who just yells from another room' he retorted.
'Touché. But come in here. I want to hug you and then I'll tell you what I needed to tell you.'
'I'm fine out here though.' He sounded a little nervous for some reason.
You walked over to the door of the kitchen and peeked around the corner. Dan stood there, wearing a white wig, flowercrown, pastel-pink shirt and dungarees. You couldn't help but laugh.
'I'm sorry, what's so funny?'
Dan tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but you saw his face turn red in shame. He probably thought he looked ridiculous, (and you thought so too / but you thought it was kinda cute.)
'Nothing,' you answered quickly. 'Anyways, I need you to get new cereal.'
'We're out of cereal? I had half a box left! PHIL OH MY GOD.'
'It wasn't Phil,' you laughed. 'It was me.'
Dan looked at you in shock. 'You steal my cereal too?' He placed one hand on his chest--that was when you noticed the flower tattoo he had on it--and gasped. 'I trusted you, Y/N.'
'I'm sorry, but can you please go get a new box?' You pouted and gave him your best puppy eyes for extra effect.
'No. If you ate it you can get a new box.'
'But I'm tired and it's cold.'
'I'm not going out this way (Y/N), he said, gesturing at his outfit.
You sighed. He had a good point. 'Okay, I'll go.'
Dan smiled and then skipped back to Phil's room to finish their video.


You walked down the street to the closest grocery store, blasting (your favourite band/artist) in your earphones. It was a cold and cloudy day. You looked at your feet, hands in your pockets, too tired to care about what happened around you.
Suddenly you heard someone call your name, or at least you thought you did. Maybe it was just a background noise from the song that you'd never heard before? You took out one earbud and listened. No, it wasn't the song, someone was really calling your name. 'Probably a fan,' you thought and sighed.
You stopped in your tracks and looked around. You could see someone waving from across the street. Yep, they were waving at you. You still thought it was a fan, so you smiled and waved back. The person stopped waving, and you thought they would leave you be, but instead they crossed the street.
Only when they were a few metres away from you, you recognized them. It was your old schoolfriend Jacob. In secondary school you two had been best buddies. A smile spread across your face. You hadn't seen him in ages.

'(Y/N)!' Jacob pulled you into a hug. 'Wow, we haven't seen eachother for so long! How are you?'
He had changed a bit on the outside, but was still the same Jacob you knew from secondary school. His blue eyes still sparkled like they used to, and he still smiled constantly. His happiness immediately cheered you up.
' I'm doing great! How about you?'
'Same goes for me.' He smiled. 'It's really nice to see you again, (Y/N).'
You just smiled. It made you happy to see your old friend again.
' Hey do you have time to get some coffee maybe? We can catch up a bit!'
'Sounds great!' And with that the two of you started walking to the nearest Starbucks. You completely forgot about the cereal that you were supposed to buy.


'Here's my number,' you said as you handed Jacob the piece of paper. 'We'll keep in touch!'
He nodded and smiled brightly. 'Yes, and I will check out your videos!'
You covered your face with your hands, hiding your reddening cheeks. 'Nooo please don't, that's embarrassing.'
He laughed. 'What's the worst thing that could happen?'
You stared at him with wide eyes and whispered that he didn't even want to know that.
Jacob was still smiling as he looked outside and remarked that it was already late and that he should go. You agreed and said you would call him to meet up again sometime soon. It had been just like the old days. You could talk about everything with him, from relationships and family to your career as a youtuber and music, and it had been nice and comfortable. You wondered how you had lost sight of eachother over the years. He was a good friend, still, and you didn't want to lose him again.

You both hugged and said goodbye, then started walking home in opposite directions. You thought about what Jacob had told you. He had had a good relationship for four years and then suddenly his boyfriend---yes, he was gay---had broken up with him. That's when he moved from Manchester to London, to get away from him. It had been a hard breakup and pretty tough for him to find a new job. Yet he looked so happy and had a positive outlook and was a little ray of sunshine. It amazed you.

You took out your phone to put up some music again. That's when you saw all the messages Dan had sent and all the missed calls he had left you.

Crap! I haven't told him where I was, he must be so worried!

You were only a few streets away from their apartment,  so you started running the last part of the way. Let's say you're not the fittest person in the world  (Sorry if that offends you, I'm just speaking for myself here cuz wow I'm out of shape) so when you reached the front door you were completely out of breath.
You still didn't have a key for the Phan apartment, so you rang their doorbell. You heard someone come down the stairs, and Dan opened the door.
You stormed inside and hugged him tightly. 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry' you muttered. Dan hugged you back. 'It's okay' he cooed. 'Where were you, though?'
'I met my friend Jacob again and I hadn't seen him in years and we went to Starbucks to drink some coffee and catch up and I forgot to tell you and-'
'Shh  (Y/N) you're rambling. Calm down, it's okay.'
'You left so many messages and called so many times, you must've been so worried. I'm sorry, I'll tell you next time.' You looked up at your boyfriend and saw him smile.
'Yes, I was worried, but it's okay now. You're home, safe and well. And we have pizza.'
It took you a moment to process the last thing he said. 'Pizza?'
You giggled. 'Maybe pizza will be out always.'
A wide grin appeared on Dan's face. 'Oh shut up, you. Let's just eat the pizza, okay?'


Well, kids, I have returned.
I hope you like this chapter  (It's a bit longer than usual, special for you) and I hope you will like what is coming.

Also, I have a little question for all the artsy people out there. I now  have a Wacom drawing tablet, and I actually want some affordable, good drawing software. If you have any recommendations, please tell me :D

I will try to upload more frequently again. I love you all, thanks for all the support❤

See you soon,

You + me = awesome  (Dan Howell x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now