Chapter 24

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The cold wind blew your hair into your face and you struggled pushing it behind your ears every time. Your hands were cold, even though Dan was holding one. To be honest, it wasn't much of the romantic walk along the shore that you'd dreamed of. But yeah, February just wasn't the best time for going to the beach anyways.

The sky was filled with dark grey clouds, and the sun was nowhere to be seen, unlike the day before. Just your luck, wasn't it?

But despite the wind and the cold, you were still enjoying it. Dan holding your hand, walking right next to you to keep you warm. He had given you his scarf because you left yours at the hotel.
On the train he had constantly held your hand to show everyone that you were his, just because one guy had looked at you for more than one second. He was so jealous, it was cute.

You brushed your hair out of your face for the third time in a minute. It may not be the most romantic thing ever, but it was perfect in it's own way. As long as you were with Dan everything was perfect.

You looked at the sea. The water looked dark and rough because of the weather. It was so different from the water in the canal yesterday, it amazed you.
Dan caught you staring and stopped to stare with you.

'You know, home is on the other side of this sea' he spoke, or more shouted over the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.
You stepped in front of Dan and hugged him, burying your face in his chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, and you never wanted to let go. Mostly because you were freezing and this was keeping you warm, but also because the moment was so blissful.

You thought about how a few years ago, you'd spend hours and hours watching Dan and Phil's videos. How you followed them on every social media and fangirled every time they posted something. How you'd decided to start your own YouTube channel, doing what you were best at: being a crazy fangirl.
Through the years your love for Dan and Phil had never ended. And then a few months ago you met them and everything that you thought would never happen, happened. What a crazy life it was.

You felt Dan shiver slightly, and you looked up at him.
'No, no at all.'
You could tell he was lying, and laughed. You tiptoed and sweetly kissed his nose.
'Yeah, me too. Let's go get a warm drink or something.' With that you started walking away from the shore, back to where you'd seen a little café.

*time skip*

' So, what you said yesterday... did you mean that?'
You looked up from your phone in surprise. 'Sorry, what?'
'That you would want to move here some day' Dan explained. 'Do you really want that?'
You took a sip of your (warm drink of choice) and smiled at him.
'No, ofcourse not! That would mean I'd have to leave you cause you can't leave Phil cause that would mean the end of Dan and Phil, and I can't do that.'
Dan burst out laughing, and with his loud voice that earned some annoyed glances from other customers.
' I would go with you, though' he chuckled.
' No way. I couldn't take you away from your boyfriend, could I?'
Dan nearly spit out his coffee which he had just taken a sip of, and playfully hit your arm.
'I'm sorry?' 
'What, Phan still isn't real? I'm disappointed' you mocked.
'You sound just like a fan, (Y/N).'
'I am a fan.'
'So I'm dating a fan...' Dan muttered, trying his best to look serious.
'Yep. Biggest Phangirl to ever exist. And believe it or not, I have a Tumblr blog and Instagram account dedicated to you.' You too tried to act serious, but you couldn't hold back a giggle.
'Oh I believe you' Dan said, grinning at you. He reached over the table and grabbed your hand. 'And you're the best fan I ever met.'
You were just wondering if it was appropriate to climb over the table and kiss him in public, when you heard a someone make weird high-pitched noises behind you.

You knew that noise all too well. The only people on the earth who could produce noises like that were fangirls.

'Speaking of fans...' you muttered.
Dan smiled apologetic at you before you both turned your attention to the girl that was now standing next to your table.
'Hi' Dan said with a big smile.
The girl looked like she was going to cry and faint and you wondered if she was okay. It took a moment before she spoke up.
'Hi! I.. I wasn't stalking you, I swear! I just saw you and I'm a big fan!' She looked at you with her eyes wide with excitement. 'I love both of your videos! Can I have a picture please?'
Dan looked at you to ask if you were okay with it, and you nodded.
The girl took out her phone as you and Dan stood up. Dan took the phone from the girl and took the photo.
He gave her her phone back and she looked at the result with a big smile before pocketing her phone.
'Can I have a hug?' she asked shyly. You immediately embraced her in a big hug. Fans made you happy, and you knew how much meeting their idol meant to them. You'd been there.

'What's your name by the way?' you asked when you finally let her go.
'E-Emma' she stuttered.
'Nice to meet you, Emma' Dan said as he pulled her into a hug.

Before she left, Emma told you how much she loved you two together and how happy she was for you. It made you feel all happy and warm inside.

'They are everywhere, aren't they' you laughed after Emma left.
'Yeah but there's this one really pretty girl following me around all day' Dan said, referring to the conversation earlier. 'She's definitely stalking me.'
You played along. 'Oh really? Who?'
'The prettiest woman in this room.'
You looked around and nodded towards another table. 'That old lady over there?'
You heard Dan laugh and when you turned back to him he leaned over the table and kissed you tenderly.

He pulled away and you felt your cheeks burning. Dan looked over at the lady you'd talked about earlier and chuckled.
'I must say though, she's pretty hot.'
You gasped and shoved his arm.
'Oh, shut up Howell.'

Well then.

I uh....
I don't know what this was....
But it's definitely something.

Anyways, I have really cool ideas for the upcoming chapters. I hope you guys will like them as well!

Hey now let's see how many of you actually read my A/N's...


Thanks ❤

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