Chapter 1

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The last time you checked, you had over 4,5 million subscribers. How? You just made videos about being really awkward and fangirling about stuff. You never thought your Youtube channel would become this big. But it did, and you became friends with a lot of youtubers over the years. Zoe was one of those friends. And now she had invited you to a party.

You were standing in front of your mirror trying to decide whether you should wear a plain black hoodie or a dark green one above your black skinnyjeans and Vans. Usually you didn't really care about your outfit, but tonight was different. Dan and Phil would be at the party too, and this was your first ever chance to meet them, so you wanted to look good. You decided to go with the green shirt because you didn't want to wear too much black.

After checking the time on your phone for the last time, you decided it was time to go. A little bit nervous you stepped into the taxi.


You arrived at the party a bit late, because there had been a lot of traffic. You walked to the front door. It was october and a bit cold outside.

'I should've taken a coat with me.' you mumbled to yourself.

Zoe opened the door for you and greeted you with a warm smile.

'(Y/N)! Come in!'

You stepped inside and looked around. There were some familiar faces, but you didn't see Dan or Phil anywhere. You turned around to Zoe but she was already talking to someone else. You didn't really feel like talking to people anyways, so you got yourself a drink and sat down in a corner of the room, watching the others have fun. Just what you'd expected you would be doing.


'Oh, Joe is calling, I gotta go. See you, (Y/N)!' Caspar Lee said, looking over his shoulder, waving at Joe.

'See you, Caspar.' You smiled and took a sip of your drink as Caspar made his way through the crowd.

Soon you were thinking to yourself again and not really paying attention to your surroundings.

Suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder. You looked up to see Phil standing besides you, looking down at you with a smile.

That smile.

'(Y/N), isn't it?'

Phil Lester.

The real Phil Lester.

He asked me something.

You then realised he was still waiting for a response. After what must've been a full minute of awkward silence you finally managed to say something.

'Yeah...uhm..yeah. You're Phil right?' You tried to look as relaxed as possible.

'Yes I am. Nice meeting you (Y/N)!' Phil said, still looking down at you.

You jumped up, which caused you spilling your drink all over Phil and yourself.

'Oh crap! I'm so sorry!' you said, looking at what you did.

I just spilled my drink all over Phil. Phil Lester! One of my biggest inspirations!  You covered your face with your hands.

'It's okay' Phil chuckled. 'There must be some paper towel in the kitchen to dry it off with.'

He grabbed your arm and started dragging you to the kitchen. Zoe gave you a questioning look as the two of you walked by, but you had no time to explain.

While you and Phil were trying to get your shirts as dry as possible, you looked at Phil.

I messed up.

'I... I'm so sorry Phil...' you mumbled. Phil looked down at you and smiled. He was just about to say something when you heard a voice from behind you.

'Phil? Oh my god what happened?'

Dan Howell

You turned around to see Dan standing there.

'Oh hey Dan! Well, (Y/N) here was trying to introduce herself, but was a little bit too enthousiastic I think.' Phil explained. He chuckled.

Dan looked at you. '(Y/N)? From (Y/C/N)?'

You nodded, realising you'd been holding your breath.

Dan held out his hand. 'Dan Howell, Danisnotonfire. What a pleasure meeting you (Y/N)!'

You reached out to shake his hand, then realising your hands were really sweaty. You pulled your hand back, gave Dan a half smile, then looked at the ground. The three of you just awkwardly stood there for a minute.

Just as you were about to come up with an excuse to go back to your seat in the corner, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see it was Phil's hand.

'Are you okay, (Y/N)?' he asked, looking a bit worried.

You silently nodded and mumbled something along the lines of 'I gotta go' and 'I'm sorry', then quickly walked away.

Well that went flawless.


It was around 10 PM and you were making your way to the door. You said goodbye to Zoe, Caspar and a few others. Just when you reached the door you heard a voice behind you.

'(Y/N), where are you going?' Dan said.

You turned to look at him.

'I..uhh...I'm going home..' you stumbled, trying to come up with an excuse.

'I don't feel very well..' Lies. You just wanted to go home.

'Oh...okay. Will you make it home safely?' Dan scratched the back of his neck.

'Yeah..' you mumbled, looking at your feet.

You turned back to the door.

'Hey uhm...maybe we should do a collab sometime?' Dan asked.

Your heart started racing. You felt a fangirl attack coming up.

'Yeah...Yeah that would be cool!'

Oh. My. Goodness.

'Sooo....can you give me your number then?'

Your hands were shaking as you took Dans phone to put your number in it.

I started YouTube because of him. Now he has my phone number.

Life was great.


Hey guys! This is the first ever fanfic that I'm writing. I hope you like it!

Feel free to leave any ideas for the story in the comments :)

- Manouk


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