Chapter 32

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It had been a few weeks since your encounter with Sam, and you had as good as forgotten about it. You didn't expect—nor did you want—to see him again. Life went on, and soon he wasn't on your mind anymore.

You had had to get used to the new house. It was bigger, newer, and just different in a lot of ways. But it was great, and you loved the fact that you now officially lived together with your boyfriend.

You'd gone shopping together with F/N today, as a girl's day out. F/N had made an entire list of shops she needed and/or wanted to go to. So you were walking through London, letting F/N decide where you two would go next. As you walked down the street your phone buzzed, and you took it out of your pocket to see what it was. F/N, being the good friend that she was, immediately hooked her arm through yours, preventing you from walking into other people or lampposts. You smiled to yourself while looking down at your phone.
Dan had responded — 'little bit late, aren't we', you thought — to your message. You'd sent him a picture of you trying on a new shirt, asking his opinion.
'Lookin gorgeous 😍'  he had responded, and your smile turned into a grin so big it barely fitted on your face. Good thing you'd bought the shirt anyways.
'What are you so happy about?' F/N asked after giving you a quick sideways glance.
You pocketed your phone and giggled. 'Well, he's about six foot and 3 inches tall, has the cutest curly hair to ever exist-'
'Wow okay,' your friend interrupted, 'but have you seen Phil with curls though? I mean, that was hot.'
'I think that I can't say that about your boyfriend without you killing me, F/N.'
'True,' F/N said, smiling.
Suddenly she pulled at your arm and pointed at a dress in a shop window, jumping up and down excitedly. 'Look Y/N!'
Before you could respond she pulled you into the shop.

When you and F/N were both done — F/N had bought the dress— you made your way back out of the shop. When you opened the door your eyes landed on someone across the street that looked strangely similar to Sam, but when you blinked the person was gone. It creeped you out a little bit. How could someone disappear that fast? Had it been Sam? Probably not, and even if it was, he hadn't seen you. Or at least you thought so.
F/N was tugging at your sleeve again, dragging you down the street before you could worry any more about the strange disappearing Highschool Ex lookalike.

'I'm kind of done,' your best friend announced. 'My feet hurt like hell.'
'Me too,' you sighed.
'Let's get some coffee and then go home.'
'Sounds good to me!'

Not much later the two of you stood waiting in line to order coffee at the same Starbucks you'd lost your favourite jacket at. And the one I met Sam at, you thought.
As if on cue, a voice behind you called your name, and for a brief moment you wondered if you had said that last thing out loud.
'Y/N, hi!' the voice beamed.
And oh boy, how much you wanted it to be fan. A grown up male fan, you had those, right? But you recognized the voice whether you liked it or not. It was him, again.
Your first instinct was to ignore him, act as if you hadn't heard that loud voice. But he was persistent, and in a matter of seconds he was standing close behind you, tapping on your shoulder. It took all your willpower to suppress a groan of irritation as you turned around to look at him.
You felt F/N's eyes burning on your back. She'd recognized him too, and she knew all that had happened back when you dated him. You were pretty sure she wanted him gone just as much as you.
'Hi' you said in a monotonous voice. Sam didn't get the hint, he never did.  What did he want from you? Why was he here, at the same place as the last time you'd run into him — no, rephrase that: the last time he'd run into you.
'What a coincidence to meet you here again!' said Sam, smiling brightly. He looked as if seeing you here was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and you couldn't understand why.

Yeah, what a coincidence! Woah! We run into each other in this place, then not even a month later it happens again. Must be my luck! I also happen to have seen you in the street about ten minutes ago. Yeah, I was pretty sure that was you because that person was wearing the same clothes. Haha, if I didn't know better....

Your own thoughts were scaring you.

...if I didn't know better I'd think you're following me!

'...get my message?'
Oh. Right. Sammy Boy was talking.
'Sorry, what?' you responded, trying to still be polite.
'Did you get my message? I texted you after we first ran into each other' he repeated patiently.
You looked at him, a bit startled.
How did he get my numbe- oh....I gave it to him.
And you did remember getting a message from him, about three days after your first encounter, but it had been late at night when you opened it. You hadn't responded, and then never looked at it again.


You scratched the back of your neck. How were you going to talk yourself out of this? He wanted to hang out, dear goodness no.
'Uhhm, well....' you started. Behind you you could hear F/N ordering your drinks. Soon you'd be able to get out of here.
Sam gave you a questioning look.
He looks so lost he would have made the sound of a question mark, if that sound had existed, you thought, and quietly laughed at that. Sam had always been like a lost puppy that followed you around everywhere, and it seemed like that hadn't changed at all. The only difference was that back in highschool you'd thought he was a cute puppy. Now he was just straight up annoying.
You decided to tell the truth. 'I read it, but ehh, then I forgot to respond and kinda forgot about it. Happens sometimes.'
You almost added a quick apology, but held it in. If there was one person to apologise, it was him.

Get. The. Hint.

' That's okay,' said the Annoyingly Oblivious Ex Boyfriend and you felt the strong urge to slap him. But that you hated him didn't mean you would let the hatred control you. You just had to find a way to get out of here and never see him again and then everything would be fine.
At that moment F/N turned to you and handed you your drink.
'I just got a text from Phil, we have to hurry because of the...uhh... thing' she said, then glared at Sam. 'Hi, Sam' she muttered, then started pulling you towards the door.
You could barely hold in your laughter. F/N saved the day.

When outside, the two of you started power-walking home, far away from that guy that seemed to be haunting you.
'Thanks,' you giggled, 'you are a true hero.'
'I know,' F/N smiled. 'What even is he doing here, and how did he get your number, and why does he want to hang out?'
'I don't know, I gave it to him when we ran each other a few weeks ago, and I don't know.'
'Well that's a mistake.'
'I didn't know what else to do. He basically followed me home, then gave me his phone, asking for my number.'
'And you actually gave it to him?' F/N looked at you both surprised and disgusted.
'I panicked.'
'Blocked? Reported?'
'Not yet. He's only sent one message and I just ignored it.'
'You are unbelievable, Y/N.'
'What? It's not like he's stalking me.'
F/N shrugged. 'Whatever. Be happy I got you out of there, or he would've dragged you out on a date.'
'Ew, no. I have a boyfriend.'
F/N laughed and patted your shoulder. 'Yet you still don't know much about boys, do you?'
'Oh shut up you! I'll never speak to that a-hole again, don't worry.'


Hello my sweet potatoes I'm back :)
I know, these chapters aren't much interesting, it's just me trying to make the end plot as dramatic as possible, but I just suck at writing so yeah. Please bear with me :)

I love all of you little ducklings, have a great day/night/life, whatever ❤

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