Chapter 15 - Part I

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Hey guys! So I'm writing this chapter in two parts. I wanted the first saga to end in chapter 15 because.....just because. But uhm it would be a very long chapter with very much information all at once. So it's one chapter in two parts. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Yeah that's my logic.

Okay I hope you enjoy this, and also SLIGHT TRIGGER WARNING I don't know if any of you get triggered easily but there's emotional stuff and yeah.


Dan's P.O.V.

The next morning I woke up early to go to (Y/N). I was tired, but that didn't matter. My girlfriend's best friend, my best friends girlfriend, was missing. And now we had a chance of finding her.
Phil was still asleep. He hadn't left his room for the past few weeks. I had to bring him food and drinks because if I didn't he would just starve himself. I couldn't bare to see him that way. He didn't talk to me. He didn't do anything. It was horrible.

I had asked PJ to come as early as possible, so he could stay with Phil. I couldn't leave Phil alone now.
When PJ had arrived I took a taxi to (Y/N). On the way I called her.

'Hey, you up?'
'Yeah. I found the address.' I could hear she was nervous, which was understandable. She wanted to find her friend.
'It'll be okay (Y/N), we're gonna find her.' I didn't know what else to say.
I stayed on the phone with her until I reached her  apartment. She opened the door and I immediately pulled her into a hug. She buried her face into my coat and I could hear muffled sobs.
'It's gonna be okay' I whispered while I stroked her hair. 'Everything's gonna be okay.'

Your P.O.V.

That morning

You woke up early, despite the fact that you hadn't really slept well that night. You checked your Twitter. A lot of fans had sent you sweet messages, saying that you should take your time with things and that they loved you. It made you feel better.
You made yourself some cereal and sat down on your sofa, replying to some texts. You didn't want to think about (F/N), not yet.

Dan called. He was on his way to you, and stayed on the phone until he was outside your apartment. You opened the door for him and he immediately pulled you into a hug. Finally you were able to bury your face in his coat and listen to his heartbeat.
Finally you were in his arms.

All the stress and worry you had cropped up inside came out in the form of tears. Dan held you tight and kept whispering that it was going to be okay, while stroking your hair.
You stood there like that for a few minutes, before looking up at him, wiping your tears. Dan looked at you and pulled a strand of hair behind your ear.
'Ready?' he asked softly. You nodded and closed the door behind you.
Dan stopped a taxi and you both got in. You took out the piece of paper with the address on it and read it to the driver. Lilly lived on the other side of London. This was going to be a long, long drive.

You looked over at Dan. 'Is Phil okay?'
'PJ is with him. He'll be fine.' Dan said with a little smile and wrapped an arm around you. You tested your head on his shoulder. You were glad Dan was here with you.

After a drive that seemed to last 3 hours at least, the taxi finally stopped in front of an appartment building.
'This must be it' you muttered. Dan paid and thanked the driver, and you both got out. You entered the building, Dan right behind you, and started searching for number 18. You found it on the third floor.
A dark wooden door with a small name plate next to it on the wall.

'L. Johnson'

This was it.

You looked at Dan, who grabbed your hand and softly squeezed it. You took a deep breath and looked back at the door, then raised your free hand to knock, but hesitated.
What were you gonna say? What if (F/N) wasn't here? What if she was? Were you just gonna storm in and take her with you?
You shook your head, trying to get the thoughts out of your head.

Knock, knock.

The door opened almost immediately. Lizzy appeared, her eyes red and puffy from crying.
'(F/N)?...Oh. (Y-Y/N)?'
She looked shocked, then broke down in tears.
'Where is (F/N)?' You looked her dead in the eyes. Lilly didn't respond, but looked down and covered her face with her hands.
You raised your voice. 'Tell me where she is!'
You felt Dan squeezing your hand again, pulling you back a bit. 'Calm down, (Y/N).'
You opened your mouth to say something, but Dan gave you a look that made you shut it just as quickly. Dan turned his attention to Lilly, who was still crying.
'Lilly, right?'
Her head shot up at the mention of her name. She looked at the strange, very tall guy who apparently knew her name, and nodded.
'Lilly, we need to know what happened.' Dan said in a serious tone.
'You...You're looking for (F/N), right?' she said, finally calming down a bit. You nodded.
'Well...she just left, a few minutes before you came here. She didn't tell me where she was going, but just packed her things and left. I tried stopping her, but she wouldn't listen.'
'So she's not here...' you muttered.
Lilly's eyes widened in shock. 'I heard her say that nobody was coming to find her... and that there was no use of her being here.... She wouldn't....would she?'
'Would she what?' you asked, although you knew exactly what the girl meant.
Lilly's face turned white. You stepped forward and hugged her. ' She wouldn't.' you whispered.
'Do you know why (F/N) was here?' Dan asked, while you let go of Lilly.
' She said she'd had a fight with her boyfriend who she lived with, and she needed a place to stay. She said that you, (Y/N), didn't have a spare room so she couldn't stay with you.'
You looked at Dan, who looked back at you.

That was not what happened.

She lied.

Dan was the first to speak up. 'We're gonna find her. You stay here, in case she comes back.' Lilly nodded and have you her phone number.
'I'll call you if we find her.'

You turned around and started walking down the hallway, when Lilly called your name. You turned around to look at her.
'She didn't get a taxi. I saw her walking down the street that way.'she said, and pointed to the left.

You and Dan walked down the street in the direction Lilly had told you. The road came to a split.
'What now?'
'I'll take the right, you go left. Call me if you find something, okay?' Dan said.
You nodded, not looking forward to walking through London, looking for (F/N) on your own, but you had to. Dan hugged you and reassured you that it was going to be okay and that you were going to find her, then turned around and started walking. You started running in the opposite direction.

I need to find (F/N). Who knows what she'll do.

After running for about ten minutes, you slipped and fell. It was the third time that happened. Because of the snow the pavements were very slippery. You got up and leaned against a wall, looking around. You realised you had no clue of where you were. You wondered if you should call Dan to come get you. You were wet and cold and tired and lost and had almost given up hope on finding (F/N) out here, but you decided to go on.
You had to.

You started running again, trying not to fall. You took some random turns and scanned the streets with your eyes. After taking another right turn, and not really looking where you were walking, you bumped into a man. You fell backwards in the snow, and for a short moment all the air was pressed out of your lungs. You struggled to breathe, and the man helped you up. You mumbled an apology and took a deep breath, trying to ignore the slight headache coming up after hitting your head on the ground.

And at that moment you saw her, at the end of the street.

She was carrying only one bag, and looking down as she walked. You started running again, pushing people out of your way. Suddenly the street seemed to be way more crowded than it was before, and it was hard to keep (F/N) in sight.
You started shouting her name, panting heavily, and ignoring the looks you got from people.


Guys I can't believe that this story has over 21k reads. Seriously. You guys mean so much to me.

If you have ideas for things you want to happen in saga 2, let me know! (I DON'T write smut, just so you know.)

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