Chapter 9

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First of all guys thankyou so much for 1.4K I'm crying. Never expected this. You guys are amazing and sweet and I love all of you.

Okay so new chapter.

You sat on the sofa editing your vlog. You hadn't filmed that much, but it could do. It usually didn't take really long to edit, but this time it did, because your mind wandered off every time. You thought back at what happened on the way back from the meeting.
The kiss.
You still couldn't believe it.
Were you and Dan a thing now? No, not yet. Right? You didn't know. All you knew was that you liked him, or loved him even, and that he also had feelings for you.
But now you couldn't get your mind off of him. Tonight...tonight you would see him again...

You shook your head and tried to concentrate on the video. You wanted to finish it before  (F/N) would come to help you prepare everything for tonight. You sighed and continued working.

You were just done when (F/N) arrived. She seemed to be even more excited than you were.

'Stop fangirling (F/N), or I will kill you.'
'I'm sorry! I will act normal around them I swear.' she said.
You shook your head, smiling. 'Yeah you better do.'

Not much later the doorbell rang. 'I'll let them in!' you yelled from the kitchen, but when you reached the front door, (F/N) had already opened it.
'Hey! Come on in!' she said with a wide grin. Zoe, Alfie, Joe and Caspar walked in. You chuckled. 'This is my friend (F/N), everybody.'
'I know all of your names.' (F/N) said. Her cheeks turned red after she realised what she had just said.
You greeted everyone and they sat down in the lounge. (F/N) and Zoe were already buisy talking. You were glad that (F/N) actually did act normal.
Half an hour later everyone had arrived. You sat down in between Troye and Connor, interrupting their conversation.
'Sorry to interrupt, but I haven't talked to you guys in years and I missed you.'
Troye smiled at you. 'Don't get too emotional (Y/N), it's your birthday.'
'And actually the last time we saw eachother was...uhm...yesterday.' Connor added.
'Yeah but we didn't really talk.' you said. 'How have you two been?'
'Really really good' Troye said. 'You?'
'Pretty well.' you said. Your thoughts immediately started to wander off again.
At the moment your life was perfect. Your channel was doing great, you had amazing friends, and an even more amazing boyfriend. 

No, (Y/N). He's not your boyfriend.

Not yet.

Connors voice shook you out of your thoughts.
' So what's up with you and Howell?' he asked with a smirk.

Wait what? How did he know?

'Uhh..what?' you stumbled.
'You're blushing (Y/N)! Tell us!' Troye said, way too excited to your idea.
'I don't know what you're talking about.' you said, looking at your hands. How were you gonna get out of this situation?
'He's been staring at you the entire night, (Y/N)' you heard Connor say. Your head shot up and you searched the room for Dan. You saw him standing in the corner opposite you. As soon as he saw you were looking at him, he smiled at you, then turned his attention to Alfie, who was talking to him and PJ.

'Now I know what they mean with Heart-Eyes-Howell.' Troye said and he chuckled. You sighed a bit annoyed. Could they just stop? You didn't want to tell anyone about you and Dan. It wasn't official. Not yet.
You got up and said you were going to the kitchen to get a drink, and walked away without waiting for a response.

In the kitchen you filled a glass with water and leaned back against the fridge. You heard a noise at the door and looked up. Dan was standing there.
'Were they annoying you?' he said, folding his arms and leaning against the door.
'What, who?'
'Troye and Connor. Were they annoying you?'
'Were you watching me, Howell?'
He grinned widely and walked up to you.
'Well maybe yes, maybe they were annoying. And maybe that's your fault.'
Dan jokingly pouted at you. 'What did I do then?'
'You were watching me.' You turned around to the kitchen counter to put down your empty glass. 'They got the idea that we're together.'
It was silent for a moment.
'Well maybe we are.' Dan said softly.
You turned around abruptly. 'What did you say there Howell?' you said, a bit shocked. 
He turned red. 'Well mean...if you want god  (Y/N) it's just...'
'It's okay.' You smiled at him.
'What? you...really?' Now it was Dan who was shocked.
'Maybe.' you said, and walked past him, back to the lounge. 

You looked around to find (F/N). You needed to tell her what had just happened.
She wasn't in the lounge, and you looked around your apartment for her, but she was nowhere to be found. You silently slipped into the hallway and started walking downstairs. 

Where the heck is she?

You stepped outside, into the freezing cold, without a coat. You shivered and turned around in a circle, looking for a sign of (F/N).

Did she leave the party? No, she wouldn't do that.

Just as you wanted to call her name, you saw her. With Phil. Making out.


You silently went back inside. On the stairs you bumped into Dan.
'Oh, (Y/N), have you seen Phil?'
You put a finger to your lips as a sign for him to be silent. 'Yeah' you whispered. 'He's right outside, with (F/N). We should give them some privacy.'
Dan chuckled. 'Aaahhh okay.' he said, also whispering now.
The two of you walked back to your apartment.
You were about to open the front door, when you heard Dan clear his throat behind you to get your attention. You turned to him and gave him a questioning look.
'Should we uhm...let the others' he stumbled.
'Maybe not yet.' You turned back around to the door and opened it. The music from the party filled the hallway.
'Hey (Y/N)' you heard Dan say behind you.
'Yeah?' You didn't look at him, but also didn't walk inside yet. You just stood there, holding the doorknob.
'Maybe maybe will be our always.' Dan said, now laughing.  'Sorry it's so cringy but I had to.'
You smiled, although he couldn't see it.
'Maybe' you said as you stepped inside.

What a bunch of cheesy crap. Hope you like it😂

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