Chapter 30

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Okay so moving and stuff. Ofcourse I have to include that now, but it's gonna be a bit all of a sudden, and I had to change some things a bit to make it fit into the story. But I hope all of you understand that. Also I have no idea what the apartment as a whole looks like so it's gonna be a bit vague. Anyhow, I found a way to include it in the story, so be happy ^-^

Also I love you 💛

Also I've been away for aaaagesss but I had a lot of stuff to do. And a writers block. Yay. But I'm back and it's gonna be fun to write again.
I really hope all my lovely reader children (yes you are now my children) are still out there because I love all of you and your endless support. I will (try to) not abandon you for so long ever again <3


'Carrying all these boxes is the most exercise I've ever done in my life' you huffed, putting another particularly heavy box down in the living room.
Dan laughed softly and hugged you from behind. 'But it's fun exercise!' he said, and you could just hear  the little smile that was on his face.
You turned around to look him - and you were right about the smile. 'Uhm, sorry, but the words 'exercise' and 'fun' do not go together in one sentence.'
He sighed happily and didn't reply to your words, but just kept fondly staring at you.
'Hey, you two cuties, there's more boxes to be put in the right place, plus we have to unpack like, everything.'
'Shut up Jake we're having a moment.' you mumbled without looking away from Dan.
'When you invited me over to help I didn't think I'd be doing everything' Jacob replied. You then heard him exit the room, laughing to himself a bit.
'Sorry J! Dan will help you!' you yelled after him, still having a staring contest with your boyfriend.
'Hey! That's not fair!' Dan exclaimed.
You patted him on the chest, then gently pushed him towards the door. 'Go help that poor guy with carrying your boxes.'
Dan threw his hands up in despair, said something about not wanting to pull anymore muscles he didn't know he had, then left to go do as you said anyways.

Dan and Phil were moving, and you were moving in. That may sound a bit weird, you living with your boyfriend and his best friend, but Dan and Phil basically couldn't live apart because the Phandom would find their houses and kill them. Still, Dan had asked you to move in when they announced they'd move when their contract ended, and you said yes because you basically lived with them already. And so here you were, unpacking boxes in your new home.
F/N didn't move in with Phil, because after all what happened she was still a bit scared of moving too quickly in the relationship and getting hate for everything she did. You understood that. There was room enough though, so she could move in later if she wanted to, and if the contract for her own apartment had ended.

You were happy at this point in your life. Things were going well. Dan and Jacob had finally met , and they got along really well. Your YouTube channel was still growing -- nearly six million subscribers now. Your friends were happy as well, and that in turn made you happy. Yes, you were busy with making videos and putting up good content and everything, but it was a good kind of busy.

Your train of thoughts was interrupted by Phil flopping down next to you on the sofa.
'I can't see any more cardboard or I'll literally explode' he sighed. 'I just want to get away from these boxes and have something warm to drink and not think about packing and unpacking and moving!'
'Same tbh.'
He smiled and looked at you. 'Shall we ditch Dan and Jake and get some Starbucks then?'
You jumped up and nodded excitedly. Phil giggled and got up from the sofa as well. 'Then Starbucks it is!'

Phil and you somehow managed to slip away without the other guys noticing and walked to the nearest Starbucks, which wasn't that far away. On the way Phil had called F/N to come to join the two of you before heading to the new apartment. And so not much later all three of you sat down in a booth at Starbucks.
'So how does it look? Is it big? I haven't seen anything of it yet please tell me everything!' F/N looked at you and Phil expectingly.
'It's big. There's more storage and we have a bALCONY!' Phil nearly yelled the last word and got some weird looks from other customers, but he didn't care. 'I am so gonna befriend all the birds!'
'Not sure if that's a good idea sweety.' F/N patted Phil's arm and smiled at him, then turned to you with a serious look. 'Do not let him do that. All the birds will poop on him.'
'Hey! You're not my mum!' Phil exclaimed indignantly.
'You heard her Philip, no bird pooping in our house.'
You shared a look with F/N and started laughing, Phil soon joining in.

Suddenly your phone rang, and you checked to see who it was. Dan.
You answered it, still giggling a bit. 'Hello love!'
'Y/N, where are you?! I've searched for you everywhere, where have you gone?' Dan was freaking out with worry, and you were back to seriousness in a few seconds.

Dan's P.O.V.
(Changing pov's again ayy)

'I'm sorry,' Y/N said through the phone, no longer giggling. 'Phil had the fantastic idea of going to Starbucks to get some coffee.'
I immediately relaxed a bit, knowing that she was just a few blocks away, and that she was with Phil.
'And you didn't care to tell us?'
'Also Phil's idea.'
'He has a bad influence on you, princess.'
'I do not!' I heard Phil laugh in the background. 
'I seriously thought some angry new neighbour had kidnapped you or something.'
Y/N laughed a bit. 'You are precious, you know that?' As she said that I could picture the fond smile that went with her words in my mind. It was adorable. She's adorable.
'Well, enjoy your coffee. I'll see you guys in a bit, yeah? Don't stay out too long, there's a lot of stuff left to do.'
'We won't, mum' she replied in a mocking tone.
'I love you.'
'Love you too!' And with that, she ended the call.


Me, after writing a crappy chapter like this:

Me, after writing a crappy chapter like this:

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