Chapter Thirteen: Trapped

Start from the beginning

"The soonest I could unseal the bunker is," Mark grabbed Dark's book and flipped through the pages, "seven days." He replied with a disheartened tone.

"Then there's no point." Her voice cracked, Mark could hear her trying not to sob. "Fuck! I gotta go. I'll text you."

"I love you." Mark said quickly, but the line went dead before she could reply. Mark's anxiety and dread grew, wondering what trouble she was in now. The fact that he couldn't do anything to help her broke his heart. You'll be okay, (Y/N). I'll see you soon.

*Your POV*

You ended the call with Mark as soon as you heard Dark's footsteps approaching your room. They stopped in front of your door. You had locked the door for a sense of security, but you knew he could teleport in if wanted to.

"(Y/N)." Dark called in a stern tone. "Open this door." He commanded, sounding like a father ready to scold his child.

You hated that he thought he could order you around, provoking some interesting, new "pet names" for him. Luckily, keeping your mental wall up had become second nature. It could be broken if you weren't concentrating on it when someone was trying to get in. You were relieved Dark wasn't pushing in your mind right now.

"Do not make me repeat myself." He growled, the ringing noise growing louder. He had lost his patience and you didn't want him to take it out on you again.

You had to open the door, no matter how much you didn't want to. You rested your quailing hand on the door handle. You unlocked it and opened it wide. You knew he would be standing there, but you still flinched. You did your best not to cower in front of him, but you couldn't help yourself.

"Give me your hand, my dear." He said softly, rather than demanding it. Still on guard, you hesitantly did as he said. He took it gently in his grey hands and you began to feel a tingling inside of you. The pain in your body disappeared and he let go of your hand.

"See, now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He appeared to be calm now, but you knew you weren't out of hot water yet. You wanted to be polite to avoid conflict, but your anger was coming back with a vengeance.

"You should be more grateful (Y/N)." He said and you tried to slam the door on him. He had managed to wedge his foot in the crack before you could fully close it. He shoved it open and you stumbled backwards.

"We aren't finished yet." He sneered, slamming the door behind him. He was approaching steadily and you instinctively backed away. You wanted as much distance from him as possible.

Your back ended up against the wall and he caged you in with his arms by your head. You remembered when he first brought you to the bunker and did this exact same move. You knew he was trying to intimidate you and it sure was effective.

"I'm still in control," His voice was still garbled and distorted, but it was getting easier to understand. "and I don't take kindly to disobedience."

"Get to the point of why you're actually here." You spat. It would be easy enough to get another nut shot in, but he might actually kill you. You didn't enjoy hurting him either. After all that has transpired, you still loved him.

"What did I just say?" He roughly grabbed your chin with one hand, leaning in closer to your face. "I. Am. In. Control." He backed off of you, pulling on his suit jacket to straighten it out.

"If you behave, I will reward you." He clasped his hands behind his back. "If you misbehave, well, I believe you already know the consequences." This reminded you of a similar speech he gave you so long ago.

"No, I don't. Please elaborate." What were you doing? You didn't want him staying here longer than he had to. Maybe he had hit your harder than you thought.

"Oh," He faltered for a second, looking shocked by your response. He quickly corrected his mistake, putting his calm front back up. "Perhaps I will give you a demonstration." He smiled manically, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to the bed.

"Wait, no!" You pulled against his grip and he stopped. "The memories are flooding back!"

"How convenient." He rolled his eyes and released you. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."

Dark left you to your devices and you grabbed your phone as soon as he was gone. You needed to text Mark and let him know you were fine. You saw a message on your phone from Mark.

Thicc neck boi: Is everything okay?

You: As okay as it could be in this situation. Dark healed me.

*Mark replied almost instantly.

Thicc neck boi: Don't let your guard down around him. I can't help you with the bond because of the barrier.

You: I figured as much. I'll keep giving you updates on what's happening here.

Thicc neck boi: Sounds great. Please keep yourself safe. I love you.

You: I'll try and I love you too.

Thicc neck boi: See you soon.

With that, you set your phone back down on your dresser. A flash of severe fatigue hit you all at once. You tried to fight going and laying on your bed, but you let it happen. There was nothing better to do anyways and you had to sleep at some point. With that, you closed your eyes and let darkness take you.

Suspicious Minds [Darkiplier/Markiplier x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now