Chapter Sixteen - A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea.

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A Sailor Went To Sea, Sea, Sea

Dawn kissed the lake’s horizon, a scarlet slash on fleshy clouds. It reminded Sameeca of a wound, a deep gash into the sky into the hell beyond. She often had morbid thoughts like these when embarking on an event she’d rather miss, exams, trips to relatives, dentist appointments and in this case, sailing. Red sky at night, shepherds delight, red sky at morning, shepherds warning, Sameeca thought to herself. Or was it sailors? Surely sailors would be more knowledgeable about weather than shepherds. What did it matter if sheep got wet? They wouldn’t capsize at the hint of a storm. Or hit her over the head with something called a yardarm or tiller. She liked sheep, sheep were land dwellers. Maybe she could ask Martin to turn her into a sheep. On second thoughts...fortunately she was spared any more taxing thoughts by the sudden urge to feed the fishes. The supposed water goddess slumped over the boats railings as it cut through the, sorry, her scarlet waters, glaring at the headland they were currently leaving. Someone had told her once that fixating on land helped sea sickness. That had been an obvious and apparent lie.

A wave rose and so did Sameeca’s stomach, bringing salty tears to her eyes.  She couldn’t be a water goddess, there’s no way that someone this sea sick could control the waves. She whimpered to herself. Almost wishing the trip to be over so they could be back on their way to finding this flipping stone- the ship tilted alarmingly-damned, damned stone and she could go home. But which home? Anví, where she would be shipped off to that King. Or home home, where school, step relatives and dentists resided. Her brow furrowed. The Gods had certainly played her a cruel hand. She was buggered any way you look at it.

Before long Lethanas joined her, he had a cup of water which he held out to her. Sameeca was hunkered down with her back to the railings, and her head on her knees.

"I don't want any water. There's enough of it out there." She groaned.

"But not enough in you."

"That's because it's out there too. "

Lethanas sighed so Sameeca, begrudgingly, took a tiny itty bitty sip.

"You know, if you look at the headland you would not be so sick." He told her.


"Come Here, let me show you." He offered her his hand.

"If I stand up, my stomach will escape out my throat and choke me." Sameeca said matter of factly.

"Do not be foolish, you will feel better, I promise."

Sameeca allowed herself to be pulled to her feet, but she swayed giddily and Lethanas steadied her against his side. He smelled like a forest, fresh earth and green leaves, but most importantly, he smelled like land. Sameeca inhaled deeply.

"Now, do you see those lights along the shore line?" He asked.

"Yup." Sameeca lied, wondering if she closed her eyes could she imagine she was back on dry land. She could! She could feel her stomach settling wonderfully.

"Focus on them. Can you feel it working?"

"Oh yeah." She smiled.

But after a few minutes, Sameeca felt the elf stiffen beside her. Was it that they were too close? Maybe she smelled too much like vomit.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"We will be having company tonight." His eyes were narrow and fixated on the horizon.

"We're on a ship, Lethanas. Of course there will be company." Sameeca squinted trying to see whatever he could on the wobbling waves, there was a dot...could that be it.

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