An Extract from the Olthém I

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The History of Erethe, vs. I-VII from Book 2 the Conclusive

I. There are only four true worlds; Cardinal, Erethe, Earth and Carlorn-Crome. Cardinal was the first world. But it was destroyed, and is now the world of spirits waiting to be born or those denied access to the heavens (Celessanel). Erethe is the world of Magic and  Elves, and Earth is the world of the humans. The Elves created it for them after they nearly destroyed Erethe, though many remain behind. Carlorn-Crome is the world of Vampihr and the last world to be created. Each world has its own dark and bloody history, all recorded here in this manuscript. This is one such happening.

II. It all began in Erethe, around two thousand years ago, or so the ancients say, when the elves were still mortal, and strong friends with the Vampihr*. Until a deadly sickness swept the land. It brought with it fever and a sleep from which an elf may never awake. This was until a learned wizard of herb lore, by the name of Whislethyme, declared to Lioner I, King of the Sky Elves and Crisanas Mountain, that he knew of a remedy that could make the elves immortal - warning that great responsibilities also came with it. Lioner thought long and hard, weighing the consequences of the situation. There were not many of his Race left, as childbirth was dangerous and rarely mother or child survived. So he agreed and in return would employ the wizard as a teacher in his university.  

III. The wizard brought Lioner and his men on a prolonged and deadly quest to find the temple of the Water Goddess Ríanna. There they moved some water of immortality from the deserted chapel and placed it in a tiny crystal orb. This was called 

“The Stone of Immortality” 

Inscribed on the Stone in Elven was; 

"Whosoever drinketh from this Stone shalt live forever."

IV. Any who possessed the Stone had powerful magic, extended life and unlimited knowledge of the Lands. Delighted, all of the Elven Clans of Erethe drank from this and were cured. Their immortality was passed on throughout the following generations. The Vampihr take deep distrust in any form of Wizards, and were disgusted with the Elves, so the Races fell out with one another for many a year. Eventually they reunited only to fall out again after Lioner ate the last waffle…..but that is another tale. From then on the Vampihr were the sworn enemies of the Elves and vice verse.

V. It was soon after this that a power hungry Warlord of Barrendara obtained information about the elves, and their immortality. He called himself Lord Iviliur Vaskar. When he heard about the Stone, Vaskar’s greed took over, knowing that with it he could control not only the four worlds - but the heavens as well. So he joined his army of men and vampires with the goblins of Terồr, the trolls of Blackforest and the gשdiants of Slўwi, and some of the Vampihr from Carlorn-Crome. With these forces he attacked the Elves. 

VI. Fearing for the future of Erethe, Lioner took a party of elves to hide the Stone. Unfortunately goblins followed them. None returned. The Stone was lost. King Lioner was killed and Vaskar left defeated.  

VII. Over the next two thousand years both sides sent out followers to find the Stone but none prevailed.  Prophets speak of a party of travellers that will unite not only the four worlds, but the heavens as well. Two elves of wood and sky, a wizard of luck, a thief from seas afar, a dwarf from Mountains high and a resurrected God who will end strife. Only they may be able to find the Stone.

 *See Species Analysis

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