Species Analysis

156 7 4
  • 點播給 Amy Grennan

This is just a bit of background on the peoples of Erethe. They will be mentioned from time to time throughout the book. You can refer back to this at any point, but it is not integral to the story if you skip it-Erin



Elves are the creators of Erethe, Evaness and Earth. They closely resemble humans, but extremely beautiful humans. They are tall between 5’6’’ and 6’5’’. There are no class systems among the Elves, there are the Elfar (Royalty) and the Enar (workers/craftsmen), there are no peasantry,

Among the different breeds are, the Star Elves (Astίr) or, as we know them, Seers. They live on the star Astΐr, they have an “Eless” (a sort of lord/emperor) named Celestan. They have no gender, all of them are equals, they can’t be killed, nor do they have a body they just simply exist, they are beings made of light and only talk to those they deem worthy.

All Elves have pointy ears - this is the trademark of the Elves. Both the Enar and the Elfar have their own specific hairstyle and clothing. There are many types of Elves, the most respected being the Star and Sky Elves, the others include; fire, river, snow, wood, mountain, sand, grass (centaurs) and sea (mermaids).

They are well learned and can speak to animals, plants etc. and can speak almost any language, they are highly intelligent and know if you’re lying. They have a great love of history and all things beautiful, especially anything shiny or sparkly such as diamonds or crystal. They are made of magic and all the elements, thus meaning they can’t be killed by anything natural, unless they fear it.

They are passive creatures and try to avoid war or violence when possible. Elf is singular, Elves is either a group of males and females or just males, Elfs are a group of females. A Wen is a young elven/elfin child the plural being Elti. The weapons of the Elves are; daggers for the women and children, whereas the men also use longbow, staff and swords.


Vampihr are similar to what we call vampires - they live without a heartbeat or a need to take in air. True to popular myth, they do drink blood. This is because their blood is unable to carry nutrients and other important proteins to their cells. Their blood is acidic and is neutralised by oxygen. To change from a human or even an Elf to a Vampihr, three days of horrific pain must be passed, while the Vampihr blood, Zenta, slowly destroys all the non-essential organs e.g. lungs. Only Nilanto, the Vampihr King can change human to Vampihr without affecting the persons personality. If any other Vampihr were to try it will result in a brainless zombie who can lift a double-decker bus!!! Nilanto created the world of Carlorn-Crome, the world of the Vampihr, and the Vampihr themselves; he is the oldest person in time. Their sun does not give off U.V. rays. This is why they burn in Erethen and Earthen sunlight. Nilanto can control the Vampihr. In Carlorn-Crome there is no hierarchy. Nilanto is called by his name. Poverty and war do not exist. Their range of weaponry is unmatched by any other in the four worlds. In Vampihr a “j” is pronounced as a “y”. 


Vampires are derived from Vampihr. They were created by Vaskar. He mixed Vampihr D.N.A with human. Thus he learnt how to find the gene which gives Vampihr the ability to think for themselves. This was then given to a few select humans who now have spread it throughout the worlds. These vampires now group under the ruling of one female called Ameríon. Vampire are free from Nilghtmares control, these cause them to be a threat to him. They fear he will return and kill them...or worse, make them immobile. They have all the abilities as a Vampihr, only are more malicious 

*The Vampihr were created by Amy Grennan, for further references to these creatures please consult the “Immortal Evil” series, thank you for your time, enjoy your reading. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2012 ⏰

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