An Extract from the Olthém IV

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The Creation of the Peoples Vs. I-VII Book One, The Cardinal

I.          After the beasts and creatures, Akír and the high clan came together at Hanar Peak. Combining the elements with life they drew their own peoples. They were to protect the beasts from each other, to walk among them and understand the greatness that the gods had wrought. They were the Guardians of the World, the servants of the Gods, The Elves.

II.        Aera asked for the Anasír, they lived upon the highest peaks of mountains so as to be close to her domain. They were tall and proud; with eyes the clear colour of her skies, hair the colour of the sun and skin as milky as the clouds that hung with them. So were the Anasír, they became the guardians of the Sky.

III.       Hilla asked for the Hastír, they lived upon the plains. She graced them with eyes as green as her fields, hair as dark as her soil and skin as golden as her flowers. So they could run swiftly with her beasts, she gave them the hind of the horse. So were the Hastír, they protectors of the Land.

IV.       Flamea asked for the Firthir. She had them crafted in her very image. With hair as red as the embers that flowed in her pits, and eyes that glowed like fire. She gave them skin of a deep tan. And they lived in the deserts and volcanoes. So they became the Firthir, and so they were her companions, the keepers of the Flame.

V.        Rianna asked for the Riasthir. They lived within the sea. She gave them hair as green as the plants that carpeted her floor, skin as white as pearls and eyes as blue as her watery realm. To swim and protect the creatures of the deep, Rianna graced them with the tail of fish. So were the Riasthir, the defenders of the Ocean.

VI.       Envé asked for the Astír. He asked for them to be thoughtful and powerful. Beings of magic, they need not eat nor sleep. So they lived upon the stars, and took the colour of the stars. Pale and transparent, they glowed like the orbs themselves. So were the Astír, the sentinels of the Heavens.

VII.     These were the first Elves. They built kingdoms and had families. They were beautiful and friendly. The beasts loved them, and they cared for the beasts. They were intelligent and cared for the land. It was through them that Akír wrought more gods.

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