In the Beginning

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The cold overcast light of dawn illuminated the main street of Sligo Town, O'Connell Street. The shops, pubs and restaurants that bordered the one way road were dark and ominous in the eerie atmosphere. The silence of the pre-dawn chorus was oppressive. Suddenly a woman burst from outside the General Post Office and thundered down the street. Her footsteps echoing off the buildings as she ran, holding a bundle close to her chest. She could only shake them for so long, and hoped the detour would hold them.

Her breath was coming in gasps as continued her charge up Harmony Hill and through the Market Yard, before taking an abrupt left at Temple Street and slowing to a trot, her frightened looks only barely taking in the details she needed-number four, number three, number two! That was it! She hammered on the door as loud as she could, panting heavily and jiggling the mass of blankets she cradled.

Halting footsteps crept down the stairs on the other side of the door, as if the owner of the feet were unwilling to open the door. The woman outside banged on the door again, crying out;

"It's me, Rosie, it's me!"

The footsteps hastened now and the door was flung back to reveal a young woman with dark auburn hair and green eyes, wrapping a dressing gown around her. Close inspection revealed that the similarities of the two. Rosie looked shocked.

"Saoirse? Is that you, what are-" Rosie began before she was interrupted.

"I need your help, sis. I can't stay - they mustn’t find me" Saoirse pleaded.

Confused, her sibling nodded as if to say ‘of course’. She passed the heap of fabric to her sister, for the first time her features relaxing. It was revealed to be a young baby girl, no more than a year.

"Her name is Sameeca, take care of her. It is not safe anymore," Saoirse pleaded desperately, before the scream of a seagull rent the air. She jumped, and pushed her sister back inside before whispering; "Please take care of her"

Rosie's confusion grew, she moved forward to grab the woman's arm but Saoirse was already in full flight up Pierce Road. In Rosie's arms, Sameeca, slept on. Saoirse would never return.


The Photo to the side is O'Connell Street in the 1980's looking from the bottom of Harmony Hill

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