Chapter Fourteen - On Your Marks...

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"Well, that's a nice thing to great a friend with, I can tell you!" The dark cloud cried, stepping forward to reveal a moth eaten twig, draped in some sort of mossy green fish net,with a beard like a starving waterfall and smelt like a drain long forgotten outside of a fish shop.

"How did you find us?" Lethanas asked, striding forward towards the weird apparition, which on second glance revealed to be a man, not said moth eaten twig.

"I was given a sign, by a fellow Master of Magic." The beard said.

Lethanas glared at Martin, who had suddenly become very interested in counting the stars on his now matted robes. Aramon grinned at the young Magi, the sly happy smile of someone who is not in the wrong for once.  "Was he that obvious?" Lethanas asked coldly.

"He shone like a beacon. I thought I should come tell him that it was dangerous," The beard lowered his voice here. "You taught me that after all, so I wandered over here. Mushroom anyone?"

Martin flinched under Lethanas' flint like gaze, before mumbling;

"You never told me I couldn't use magic."

"That is because I assumed you would know better, being a man of the elements." Lethanas replied.

"Tha' wa'yer firs' mistake!" Aramon laughed, merrily chomping on a fungi.

"That will not make you any happier, Aramon. If you eat that, at the best you could suffer chronic digestive issues at the worst, you will die. "

Aramon spat it out. There was silence for a moment as the group stared dejectedly at the floor before Sameeca struggled to her feet and promptly hit her head on an overhand, clutching her pounding skull she cried out;

"For the love of all things holy, can someone tell me who this sorry excuse for a toilet brush is and why is he here?"


Lord Vaskar was furious. Outwardly, it didn't show. But small subtle movements, such as how his withered hands twitched as if throttling imaginary foes, and the way his eyes blazed beneath his cowl. Then there was also the random outbursts of violence and shouting of course.

"Pray, tell me, why a mere human can run rings around my best generals?" The mighty warlord asked coldly to his gathered horde.

"She is a god, my liege." One poor goblin spoke up.

"No. She is not yet. She is a weak human, with no training or courage. So why does she defeat you at EVERY TURN." Vaskar roared, pointing his sceptre at the offending smarthen (see species analysis). The goblin shrieked, clawing at its eyes before dropping to the floor and writhing in agony.

"Master, they do have a Wizard and those elves, they must be protecting her." Daemana's soft voice spoke from behind him.

Lord Vaskar turned slowly towards his oracle, his face thrown into shadow making his face unreadable. Daemana shrank back against the window, trying to make herself as small a target as possible.

"We must fight fire with fire then. Contact DeKramarr, tell him to open the box."


"Sameeca, this is Whiselthyme. The most inept wizard, this world has ever seen." Lethanas introduced the mouldy twig.

"Thank you." Whiselthyme exclaimed brightly. "I excel in herb lore."

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