Chapter Seven - To Sea A Wedding

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I added more to the chapter at StaceyJacques request, let me know if anything else needs tweaking, enjoy as always- Erin


It was exactly two months since Sameeca had arrived on the island of Anví, two long and agonising months. It was funny how you could miss the simple things in life; tea, painkillers, chocolate, tea, cars, phones, tea, television, running water, real toilets (not a bit of planking with a hole cut in it over a ridiculous drop), central heating and a proper cup of tea to name a few. Sameeca sighed as she stared around her room. It was pretty simple, just a bed (fancy four poster with one of those fancy canopies) a trunk and a mirror. The walls were plain stone, one with a tapestry about some distant family member doing something nasty with a sword, most likely lethal judging by the state of the victim. She thought back to her home, perhaps New York wouldn't have been so bad. At least furniture didn't complain when you sat on it.*

*this is an unfortunate by-product of being made from talking trees, as a result the job of carpenter tended to fall on the deaf or at least hard of hearing. Fuel was mainly coal or dried seaweed, as it’s quite disturbing when you’re trying to cook your dinner on a screaming fire, it can put a body off eating altogether.

Apparently Sameeca hadn't been the only one shocked to find herself in a different world. Her father, Art, had not been too pleased either. When Martin had presented her to him, with the air of a scientist unveiling a hitherto unknown species, her father pulled what could only be called a hissy fit. She'd been a little disappointed with that, first time meeting her supposed father and being rejected again can crush a girl’s soul. Martin sulkily explained later that their mother, Saoirse, had run off with Sameeca when she was a just a toddler. They'd left the four year old Martin and father alone to fend for themselves. Sameeca thought this was a bit dramatic considering they lived in a castle - how much fending would you have to do! As a result Dad was still a bit sore on the whole abandonment issue, not made any better by Sameeca's information that Saoirse hadn't stuck around much longer in Ireland. Her father demanded that Martin send Sameeca back, immediately, if not sooner. Martin had to confess that Saoirse had taken that particular spell with her, and because he had expected Sameeca to be spending a little more time with the family, he hadn’t given it much thought. He was wrong.

So what does a father do with an unwanted daughter in the medieval days? Marry her off of course! Well, there had been talk of putting her into the equivalent of a nunnery but even Art gave that up as a lost cause. Sameeca had just about had it. So far she had gone along with everything her tormented brain had thrown at her, as she was still convinced this was all a dream. One incredibly long, awkward and overall depressing dream. Sameeca was beginning to think her subconscious really hated her! She had no desire to get married, especially to some Royal Pratt from a neighbouring island that she had never met.** Then it hit her! Why should she? It's not like they had wanted her in the first place. If her hallucination wasn't going to give her the dreams she wanted, then she would get them herself! This thought fuelled her down several flights of stairs, through the main door and halfway across the courtyard before a shout drew attention to her. Sameeca didn't hear it quite that clearly-but did happen to hear very clearly the words ‘Get her!’ Sameeca cursed, lifted her skirts and charged out the main gate.

** we'll let Sameeca be a bit judgemental here as the Royalty she'd met so far, hadn't exactly been welcoming.

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