Episode 51 Entrusted Aspirations

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Episode 51

Entrusted Aspirations

Tamahome has fallen in his battle against Nakago. Then, Yui used the third wish...Tasuki and Chichiri have emerged from the "Universe of the Four Gods" to help Miaka.

Chichiri: Tasuki!

Nakago: Sorry about that.

Nakago: How childish of me, especially since you've become ordinary people.

Nakago: Don't you see, Tasuki?

Nakago: That girl granted me the final wish.

Nakago: In other words...

Nakago: ...I've become a god.

Nakago: Do you still plan on fighting me?

Nakago: Will you go down in history as the first to receive God's punishment?

Nakago: Will you, Tasuki?

Tasuki: Aw, damn it all to hell.

Tasuki: Even so, we really did our best.

Tasuki: Chiriko...and Nuriko...sorry about this.

Tasuki: Relax, though. You won't be lonesome for long.

Tasuki: I'll be joining you soon!

Tasuki: There you go again. It won't do any good.

Tasuki: There's no stopping me this time. I'm punching through!

Chichiri: You're always in such a hurry.

Chichiri: Guess I'm not such an adult after all.

Chichiri: But, it would be rude to greet Lord Hotohori and Mitsukake empty-handed.

Chichiri: We're going to take this guy with us.

Tasuki: You finally understand what I'm saying.

Chichiri: I'm protecting the Maiden as one of Suzaku's Guardians...that's all.

Tasuki: So, this is Miaka's world, huh?

Tasuki: Man, what a cramped and crowded place.

Tasuki: Yo! Wanna get a swig of foreign wine after this?

Chichiri: I'll look forward to it.

Chichiri: I'll take the right.

Chichiri: You take the left.

Chichiri: At the same time...

Tasuki: Sounds great, Chichiri.

Tasuki: I'll leave the signal to you.

Miaka: The four constellations in the heavens, and the four directions of the Earth.

Tasuki: What the...?

Miaka: Strengthened by law...

Miaka: ...truth and goodness.

Nakago: That's...

Miaka: Please tell the protector of the South, Suzaku...

Tasuki: Suzaku's...summoning incantation...

Miaka: ...that I will now speak the words.

Miaka: From your dwelling in the heavens to the earth, reveal yourself to us.

Miaka: For the good of mankind, please make extinct every kind of evil.

Miaka: By using your divine powers, protect us.

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTWhere stories live. Discover now