Episode 25 Loved, But Sad

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Episode 25

Loved, But Sad

The Suzaku ceremony was disrupted by Amiboshi, who had pretended to be Chiriko. the real Chiriko had been elsewhere. Since the "Universe of the Four Gods" had been burned, Miaka could no longer call Suzaku. Taittsukun then told her to go to Genbu's territory to retrieve the Shinzaho.


Keisuke: "Taiitsukun suggested to the Maiden that she get the Shinzaho from Genbu's territory."


Miaka: In Genbu's territory, Hokkan, go get the Shinzaho.

Miaka: If I get it, will I be able to call Suzaku?

Taiitsukun: You will.

Tamahome: What's a Shinzaho anyway?

Taiitsukun: I won't tell you too much.

Tamahome: You old fart.

Miaka: I understand! I'll go to Hokkan!

Miaka: I'll find the Hadoho!

Taiitsukun: That's "Shinzaho!" Are you all there?

Miaka: Since the ceremony failed, I'll do whatever it takes to call Suzaku.

Taiitsukun: Well then, if you've decided...

Hotohori: W...what's this?

Tasuki: A tessen! It shines like a diamond!

Nuriko: What's going on?

Taiitsukun: Rewards for your efforts thus far.

Taiitsukun: These items increase the strength of your powers.

Tasuki: I feel it! More power than before!

Tamahome: That's great! Taittsukun, what about me?! Me?

Taiitsukun: Beats me.

Taiitsukun: I have nothing special for you.

Taiitsukun: The "old fart's" presents can't go to somebody who'd sell them.

Tamahome: Hey...I had a rough time too...

Tamahome: Gimme, gimme! Give it to me!

Taiitsukun: Oh, I forgot something important.

Taiitsukun: Close your eyes, Miaka.

Miaka: Okay.

Taiitsukun: These are the ashes of the "Universe of the Four Gods."

Taiitsukun: Now, if you have some kind of power, someday it'll certainly appear.

Miaka: My power...?

Tamahome: Taiitsukun, for me, for me, for me!

Taiitsukun: Pesky, pesky, pesky!

Miaka: Thank you, Taiitsukun. I'll do my best.

Tasuki: Guess I'm going.

Chiriko: I'll accompany you.

Nuriko: It'd be dangerous for Miaka to go without me.

Miaka: Everybody...

Tamahome: Don't forget about me.

Miaka: Tamahome.

Miaka: Let's get ready, everyone!

Taiitsukun: Wait, wait, wait!

Miaka: Huh?

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