Episode 36 The Love That Was Trampled Upon

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Episode 36

The Love That Was Trampled Upon

The Shinzaho, capable of summoning Suzaku, fell into Nakago's hands. The one who suggested how to get the Shinzaho back was none other than Taiitsukun. She suggested that Miaka should have sex with Nakago, thereby reducing his power. But the Taiitsukun that appeared to Miaka was an illusion created by Tomo, one of Seiryuu's Guardians. The idea of "sex" was actually a trap set by Nakago.


Keisuke: Hey, how are Miaka and them doing?

Keisuke: Will you read that thing out loud?! I'm busy as hell over here!

Tetsuya: Ah, shut up!

Tetsuya: Both sides are currently on the move and there's nothing really going on right now!

Tetsuya: This isn't good.


Tamahome: Miaka! Miaka!

Tamahome: This is really weird.

Tamahome: What's happened to

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTWhere stories live. Discover now