Episode 4 Uneven Communications

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Episode 4

Uneven Communications

The Maiden of Suzaku, Miaka, began the search for the remaining five Guardians. The best men, academically and physically, were assembled. But, a pagoda collapsed. Miaka and Tamahome were about to be crushed. They were saved by a woman. She had the character of the willow on her. She was a princess of the realm and her name was Nuriko. But, she did not honor her position as Guardian and behaved disrespectfully towards Miaka.

Yui: "As she was being bandaged by her champion, she thought to herself..."


Miaka: If Nuriko sees this, she'll be furious.

Miaka: I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

Tamahome: What is it?

Miaka: Do you really like Nuriko?

Tamahome: Not in the least. I just met her today.

Tamahome: She's not exactly my type.

Miaka: Really?

Tamahome: Ah, I see. You're jealous.

Tamahome: Oh, I give up.

Tamahome: I'm handsome, strong, kind and marvelous...

Tamahome: ...it's such a sin.

Tamahome: Sorry, I want money more than love.

Miaka: Y...you're wrong!

Miaka: If so, I feel sorry for Nuriko.

Miaka: It's not jealousy.

Miaka: Are you going to laugh forever?!

Miaka: Geez!


Nuriko: Miaka.

Miaka: What's wrong?

Nuriko: While walking around the pond, west of the court...

Nuriko: ...I lost one of these earrings.

Miaka: It's so neat.

Nuriko: It's a Yakouju gem.

Nuriko: When I began serving at court...

Nuriko: ...my mother presented these family treasures to me.

Nuriko: The stone emits light in the dark.

Nuriko: The best time to find it is at night.

Nuriko: My maids are afraid of the dark, so they won't go.

Miaka: How about if I go find it?

Nuriko: But...

Miaka: Your mother gave it to you.

Miaka: It's an important earring, isn't it?

Miaka: It'll be okay, leave it to me!

Nuriko: Then, as a reward, in my small way...

Nuriko: ...as one of Suzaku's Guardians, I'll protect you.

Miaka: Oh, you really will?! Alright!

Miaka: Okay, wait here! I'll find it for sure!

Nuriko: Please do.


Hotohori: What?

court: That's right, Your Majesty, you're 18 years old.

court: Will you kindly receive an Empress?

court2: Why did we assemble beautiful ladies from all over the empire at court?

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat