Episode 10 Captured Girl

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Episode 10

Captured Girl

The Maiden of Suzaku, Miaka, loves Suzaku's Guardian, Tamahome, who has his family to care for. A kutou assassin attacked his family to get to his target, the Maiden of Suzaku. They were saved by the wanderer, Chichiri. Chichiri turned out to be one of Suzaku's Guardians. Because Miaka didn't want Tamahome to be involved in her problems...

    (Miaka) Everyone, I'm sorry.

To find her classmate, Yui, she began the journey to Kutou.


Keisuke: "Konan's Emperor, Hotohori, prayed for the safety of the Maiden of Suzaku."


Hotohori: I sense something bad has happened.

Hotohori: I hope Miaka's alright.

Hotohori: Suzaku, our protector...

Hotohori: ...one day, the Maiden of Suzaku will gain the power to protect this land.

Hotohori: Please keep Miaka safe.

Hotohori: Miaka, if I were free, like Tamahome and Nuriko, I would always be with you.

Hotohori: I would give my life to protect you.

Hotohori: Please be unharmed.


Tamahome: It's late! Where'd Miaka run off to?

Nuriko: Maybe it's, you know...

Chichiri: What's that?

Nuriko: What's only for females.

Chichiri: Only females?

Nuriko: Wait a sec.

Nuriko: Before Miaka left, she said "Yui."

Tamahome: Yui?

Chichiri: Come to think of it, while listening to us, her expression suddenly changed.

Tamahome: Yui? The first time I saw her, they were together.

Tamahome: Could she be back in this world?

Tamahome: She wouldn't!

Nuriko: Tamahome!

Tamahome: Nuriko, look after the kids.

Nuriko: Wait!

Nuriko: What's with him?

Chichiri: Well, I'll go take a look.


guy: Kutou Empire?

Miaka: Yes sir.

guy: That way. Go throught the forest, it'll be shorter.

Miaka: I need to get as far as I can before Tamahome notices.

Miaka: Thanks.


Tamahome: Miaka!

Tamahome: Miaka!

Tamahome: What? You told her to go through the forest?

guy: Yeah.

Tamahome: That little...

Miaka: Oh man, it's creepy.

Miaka: Tiger!

Miaka: What'll I do?

Miaka: That's it! Play dead!

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن