Episode 9 Invisible Enemies

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Episode 9

Invisible Enemies

The Maiden of Suzaku, Miaka, returned to her world to be with her friend, Yui. But she was nowhere to be found. Could it be that Yui had been transported to the other world? Miaka thought so. In order to find Yui, she returned to the other world. But some unexpected news was waiting for her. The neighboring empire, Kutou, was invading. Miaka needed to find the rest of the Guardians quickly. She went to see Tamahome, who had left court a few days before her return. But, when she got there...

    (Miaka) Tamahome?

Miaka was abducted by strange hands.

Tamahome: Miaka!

Tamahome: She's not here.

Chichiri: That hurt, you know!

Miaka: W...who is this guy?

Chichiri: Biting has its merits, Maiden of Suzaku, since you're the target of assassins.

Chichiri: So then...So long!

Miaka: Hey! Who was that?!

Tamahome: Miaka!

Miaka: Tamahome?

Tamahome: Are you alright?

Miaka: Yes. I'm fine.

Miaka: I'm fine, but...targeted? By whom?

Tamahome: Don't look!

Tamahome: Nuriko, what happened?!

Nuriko: You can see for yourself.

Nuriko: First, Miaka was grabbed.

Nuriko: It happened right after you took off after her.

Nuriko: The arrows were aimed where Miaka was.

Miaka: Because I was their target, that guy...

Tamahome: "That guy?"

Miaka: These people...instead of me...


Nuriko: Even when you've had a traumatic experience, you pig out.

Miaka: Anyway, the fox-looking guy told me Kutou's targeted the Maiden of Suzaku.

Tamahome: It's true that the Maiden of Suzaku would be an obstacle to any enemy country.

Tamahome: Don't make that face, Miaka. I'm with you.

Tamahome: I won't let anything happen to you.

Miaka: Tamahome.

guy: Mr. Tamahome! Please come!

guy2: There are strangers at the west gate!

Tamahome: What? Do I hear the sound of money?!

Tamahome: Oh, how terrible. Nuriko, take care of Miaka.

Tamahome: Later.

Miaka: What's with him? Is money more important than my life?

Nuriko: Miaka, you'd better fix his personality before you look for the other Guardians.

guy: Oh no, Mr. Tamahome doesn't ask for much.

Tamahome: 30 guys equal 30 mon. Lucky!

guy: You sure that's all you want?

guy2: That's only equivalent to 30 manju, and you did all this.

guy: He's a nice guy.

Nuriko: What're you talking about?

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTWhere stories live. Discover now