Episode 38 The Dawn of the Heart

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Episode 38

The Dawn of the Heart

Miaka, the Maiden of Suzaku, left Tamahome and became endangered while wandering around through the night. Miaka was saved by Seiryuu's Guardian, Amiboshi, who was believed to be dead. For some reason, Amiboshi had lost his memory and was treated as the son of an elderly couple who called him, "Kaika."


Tetsuya: Umamiauchi...How do you read this?

Keisuke: Don't know. Anyway, about this book of criminal defenses.

Keisuke: Anyway, the criminal case was investigated by the Morioka police in a rural area.

Tetsuya: So, that's why we're going to Morioka.

Tetsuya: How'd you find this information, anyway?

Tetsuya: Isn't something like that protected under privacy acts or something like that?

Keisuke: "Classified Literature Research Room: Unauthorized Personnel Prohibited."


Amiboshi: Would you like to live here with me from now on?

Miaka: Ami...I mean, Kaika...What are you saying?

Amiboshi: If you stay here, you don't have to remember anything.

Amiboshi: This town is peaceful. The people in this town are all good people.

Amiboshi: If you stay here, there's nothing you need to worry about.

Amiboshi: Dad and Mom will be happy about that, too.

Miaka: Not to remember anything?

Amiboshi: Sorry!

Amiboshi: To help you, I...

Amiboshi: Sorry.

Amiboshi: Your fever's gone down. Get some rest.

Amiboshi: But, will you at least think about what I just said?

Miaka: To live here from now on?

*** Trapped in Tomo's illusion, Tamahome sees Soi as Miaka. ***

Soi: What's the matter?

Tamahome: Well, all of a sudden, I feel like I'm burning up inside...

Tamahome: It's weird.

Soi: You're probably exhausted from the heat. Let's get some rest somewhere.

Tomo: I see. You laced your lips with a drug and gave it to Tamahome by kissing him.

Tomo: I have to hand it to you, Soi. You sure know how to handle men.

Tomo: Now, Tamahome...make love to the illusion of your beloved Maiden...

Tomo: ...and have your powers sapped by Soi and suffer...


Miaka: To see that bastard in my nightmares again!

mother: Miaka?

Miaka: Yes?

mother: May I come in?

Miaka: Yes.

mother: I'm sorry.

mother: Listening to your conversation with him...

mother: ...I was afraid that he would go away again to some faraway place.

Miaka: Again?

father: A long time ago, we lost our son, Kaika.

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTWhere stories live. Discover now