Episode 27 A Vow before the Grave

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Episode 27

A Vow before the Grave

Seiryuu's Guardian, Suboshi is too young to be a warrior. Because of his youth, his sadness turns to anger and cruelty. Suboshi was determined to avenge his brother's death.


Tamahome: Dad...

Tamahome: Chuei.

Tamahome: Gyokuran.

Tamahome: Shunkei.

Yuiren: Brother...

Yuiren: Brother...

Tamahome: Yuiren!

Tamahome: Yuiren!

Yuiren: Brother...

Yuiren: Welcome home...

Yuiren: "Sis" too...

Miaka: Mitsukake...

Miaka: Mitsukake!

Miaka: Nuriko, hurry!

Miaka: Hurry!

Yuiren: Yuiren and "Sis"...go shopping...?

Tamahome: Yuiren...

Tamahome: ...don't talk.

Tamahome: Don't move!

Yuiren: Yuiren's been a good girl...

Yuiren: ...r...really...

Yuiren: So...

Yuiren: ...don't go away...

Tamahome: No, I won't!

Tamahome: I won't leave!

Tamahome: Your brother won't go anywhere!

Tamahome: I'll stay with Yuiren forever.

Tamahome: So...so...

Yuiren: It's true. Brother will be back soon.

Yuiren: He said so in Yuiren's dream.

Yuiren: And then he'll stay forever.

Yuiren: Forever...together.

Tamahome: Yuiren.

Tamahome: Yui...

Tamahome: YUIREN!

Miaka: So cruel...who...?

Miaka: Who would do a thing like this?

Nuriko: A flute?

Miaka: That tune. That melody.

Miaka: Amiboshi!

Nuriko: Impossible...you're still alive?

Miaka: Oh no...you...

Miaka: Did you do this?!

Suboshi: That's right. I'm the one.

Suboshi: This is...

Suboshi: ...revenge for my brother, whom you murdered!

Nuriko: Miaka, get behind me. That's not Amiboshi!

Suboshi: I'm Seiryuu's Guardian, Suboshi.

Suboshi: You killed Amiboshi.

Suboshi: He was my older twin!

Nuriko: Hey, you're mistaken!

Nuriko: We didn't kill him! It was an accident!

Suboshi: I won't listen to weak excuses!

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTWhere stories live. Discover now