Episode 24 Fiery Decision

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Episode 24

Fiery Decision

In Konan, the Maiden of Suzaku, Miaka, and the Guardians are all together. The Emperor, Hotohori, is unable to forget Miaka. Miaka knows of Tamahome's love for her. Now, the ceremony to call Suzaku begins in the Hall of Suzaku.


Keisuke: "A mysterious boy from faraway, expects the Suzaku ceremony to fail."

Keisuke: "He now stands before the court of Konan."


Hotohori: Ready yourselves. When the Maiden begins to read...

Hotohori: ...relax and keep your chi under control, and open.

Tasuki: That'll leave us defenseless.

Nuriko: If we're attacked, we'll be killed.

Chichiri: It'll be all right, Miaka.

Chichiri: Just repeat what I say.

Hotohori: Pray!

Miaka: Soon, Suzaku will appear from the fire.

Miaka: There's no time for worries.

Miaka: I love both Yui and Tamahome.

Miaka: I can't fool myself.

Miaka: First, keep Konan peaceful, and the Guardians and everyone happy.

Miaka: Second, I want to get Yui back, and be able to pass the entrance exams.

Miaka: Third, no matter how it's done, I want to stay with Tamahome.

Miaka: As part of the first wish, please make Nuriko happy.

Miaka: Otherwise he'll scare me later.

Chichiri: Miaka, let's get started.

Miaka: The four constellations in the heavens, and the four directions of the Earth.

Miaka: Strengthened by law, truth and goodness.

Miaka: Please tell the protector of the South, Suzaku...

Miaka: ...that I will now speak the words.

Miaka: From your dwelling in the heavens to the earth, reveal yourself to us.

Miaka: For the good of mankind, please make extinct every kind of evil.

Miaka: By using your divine powers, protect us.

Miaka: I ask only this...grant this request.

Miaka: Descend from the heavens, and stand before me!

Miaka: Nothing happened.

Tamahome: Why? Nothing came.

*** Amiboshi, a Seiryuu seishi, impersonated Suzaku's guardian, Chiriko. Now, Amiboshi is going to kill Miaka and the Suzaku seishi. ***

Miaka: Chiriko.

Miaka: It...it hurts...my head...

Tamahome: My head's going to explode!

Amiboshi: You people have failed.

Amiboshi: Now you won't be able to call Suzaku.

Miaka: Chiriko...you...!

Amiboshi: I always was playing my flute. Do you know why, Miss Miaka?

Amiboshi: Now it'll cause you physical agony.

FUSHIGI YUUGI (the mysterious play): COMPLETE ENGLISH SCRIPTWhere stories live. Discover now