Episode 23 Signs of the Plot

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Episode 23

Signs of the Plot

Under the influence of Nakago's drug, Tamahome planned to kill the Maiden of Suzaku, Miaka. Following his defeat in battle against the Emperor, Hotohori, Tamahome's mind and memory were restored. Tamahome pretended to still be under Nakago's control. By doing so, he successfully retrieved the "Universe of the Four Gods." Miaka told Tamahome how she felt, and he responded.


Chiriko: The stars...they're moving in an unlucky way.

Chiriko: The stars of Suzaku's Guardians.


Miaka: Oh, it's you. I was sleeping so well.

Miaka: Tamahome!

Tamahome: 256...257...

Tamahome: Oh, Miaka.

Miaka: What're you doing?

Tamahome: Counting the money I hid under the bed.

Miaka: Not...all night?!

Tamahome: Because every time I count, I'm one short!

Tamahome: Last count was 312!

Tamahome: I've got to count them again!

Miaka: Tamahome, you haven't changed a bit.

Tamahome: It's all right, Miaka. I won't go anywhere.

Tamahome: I promise.

Tamahome: You must've run here to check on me.

Tamahome: I found it!

Tamahome: Miaka, here it is!

Tamahome: Good! Now, let's go to breakfast!

Miaka: Tamahome's back, all right.

Miaka: Now all the seven Guardians are here.

Miaka: It's time to call Suzaku.

Miaka: That thought makes everything taste better.

Tamahome: She hasn't changed.

Miaka: If Suzaku appears, we have to get Yui back from Kutou.

Miaka: Due to circumstances, we weren't able to reunite before.

Miaka: But, if we have more time together, we can work things out.

Miaka: And, I want to ask Suzaku to let me be with Tamahome forever.

Tamahome: Is that right?

Tamahome: That wasn't easy to pull off, was it?

Tamahome: What's with you? No appetite?

Tasuki: Lost it when you showed up.

Tamahome: What's with the attitude?

Tamahome: You could at least introduce yourself the first time you meet someone.

Tasuki: First time?!

Tasuki: First time, is it?! Whose fault ya think these damn injuries are?!

Tasuki: I'll remember this, ya friggin' brat!

Tamahome: So, give me your best shot.

Miaka: So, you two already get along.

Nuriko: Looks like they're fighting to me.

Nuriko: Hey, Miaka, could you do me a little favor?

Nuriko: When you call Suzaku, ask him to change me to a woman.

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